
Title: "Socialist Message to Aoun and Berri"


In his first protocol visit after being elected President of the Parliament for the seventh consecutive term, Nabih Berri visited President Michel Aoun at the Baabda Palace accompanied by the newly elected Vice President Elias Bou Saab and members of the parliamentary bureau: one of the secretaries, Deputy Alan Aoun, and the three commissioners: Michel Moussa, Hagop Bkradounian, and Karim Kabbara. This was done in accordance with the customary tradition, while the absence of the second secretary, Deputy Hadi Abou al-Hassan from the "Democratic Gathering," was noted during the visit. Sources following the matter through the Kuwaiti "Anbaa" considered that Abou al-Hassan’s boycott of Berri's visit to President Aoun is a dual message to both men in light of the current political reality, declaring that the Progressive Socialist Party's position is clear in its opposition to the president of the term.

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