
Clear and Subtle Signs Indicating Liver Problems

Clear and Subtle Signs Indicating Liver Problems

Dr. Natalia Panina, a Russian specialist in gastroenterology and nutrition, announced that jaundice, general weakness, and fatigue indicate issues with the liver. The specialist mentioned in an interview with the newspaper "Izvestia" that in most cases, symptoms of liver diseases do not appear, making them difficult to predict. For this reason, it is crucial to conduct regular examinations to diagnose them early. She states, "If complaints arise in a person, most of them are generally not specific to liver diseases—weakness, fatigue, heaviness, and discomfort in the right upper abdomen. The following symptoms, which at first glance seem unrelated to the liver, can also sometimes be very serious: the appearance of 'spider' angiomas on the skin, redness of the palms, an increase in abdominal size, swelling, dark urine, changes in stool color, an increase in hemorrhoids, and gastrointestinal bleeding, as well as easy bruising on the skin." The specialist points out that jaundice, characterized by yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, along with dark tea-colored urine, directly indicates problems with the liver and bile duct. Therefore, it is essential to consult a specialist immediately for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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