
For Slimming and Weight Loss: Make a Vegetable and Fruit Smoothie

For Slimming and Weight Loss: Make a Vegetable and Fruit Smoothie

It is well known that vegetables and fruits provide the body with energy, many nutrients, and few calories. Additionally, dried fruits are rich in fiber, which helps you feel full and thus aids in weight loss.

Here’s how to prepare a vegetable and fruit smoothie for dieting and regaining fitness, according to "Emirates News."

**Benefits of the Smoothie:**

- Aids in weight loss as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which help in eliminating excess fat.

- Helps prevent constipation and promotes ease of bowel movements due to its fiber content.

Consuming preferred vegetables and fruits in smoothie form allows for quicker intake of their benefits as it facilitates digestion and absorption of the nutrients.

**How to Make the Vegetable and Fruit Smoothie:**


- 1 banana

- 1 pear, chopped

- 1 apple, chopped

- 3 stalks of celery

- Half a large bunch of spinach

- 1 chopped lettuce

- Half a cup of water

- Juice of half a lemon

- A quarter bunch of mint

**Preparation Method:**

1. Place the water, lettuce, and spinach in a blender on a low speed until mixed, then gradually increase to a higher speed.

2. Add the celery, apple, pear, and mint to the mixture.

3. Finally, add the banana and lemon juice to the blend and serve the smoothie cold.

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