
Title: More Than 10 Electrical Wire Theft Operations Result in His Arrest

Title: More Than 10 Electrical Wire Theft Operations Result in His Arrest

Due to the recent increase in assaults on the public network belonging to the Electricité du Liban, and thefts from buildings under construction in the Hasbaya area, the Information Branch of the Internal Security Forces intensified its field and investigative measures in the locations where the thefts occurred. As a result of investigations and inquiries conducted by the branch’s patrols, they were able to identify the perpetrator, identified as K. Kh. (born in 1983, Lebanese), who has prior convictions for theft, rape, and drug-related offenses. On May 11, 2022, after surveillance, the branch's patrols executed a precise ambush in the town of Rashaya al-Fakhar, leading to his arrest while he was in a "Nissan" pickup truck that he used for his operations, which was also seized. During the investigation, he confessed to carrying out more than 10 theft operations targeting electrical wires from the public network and construction sites. Legal action was taken against him, and he was referred to the relevant authorities, based on the directive of the competent judiciary.

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