
5 Benefits That Place Arugula at the Top of the Golden Foods List

5 Benefits That Place Arugula at the Top of the Golden Foods List

Arugula stands at the top of the list of the most nutrient-dense products available on the market, with foods classified as nutrient-dense based on the amount of the recommended daily value of nutrients. According to the Mind Your Body Green website, nutritionist Mai Chow states that "arugula is a small green leafy vegetable with thick stems that belongs to the same cruciferous family as kale and cabbage." As for its taste, it resembles that of pepper leaves, providing a pleasantly contrasting flavor to more acidic dishes. Registered dietitian Mia Sin emphasizes that arugula is often used as a green salad or appetizer and can be consumed raw or cooked. However, it is much more than just a vibrant addition, as "arugula is rich in nutrients, meaning it has a high level of vitamins and minerals compared to its calories."

**Benefits of Arugula:**

1. **Rich in Vitamin K:** Chow mentions that one cup of arugula provides more than 100% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin K, which is fat-soluble and helps with bone health and wound healing. Research indicates that Vitamin K can increase bone mineral density and reduce fracture rates, in addition to its role in blood clotting.

2. **Collagen Production:** Arugula is also high in Vitamin C, which Sin states is important for collagen production. The significance of collagen production extends beyond hair, skin, and nail health; it also helps maintain joint strength.

3. **Antioxidants:** Chow explains, "Antioxidants help protect cells from free radical damage," and free radicals can be harmful to both human cells and DNA.

4. **Boosts Immune System:** Due to its high levels of Vitamin C, arugula can help support the body’s natural immune function by neutralizing pathogens and promoting the proliferation of lymphocytes—a type of white blood cell that enhances the body’s antibody response.

5. **Beneficial for Pregnant Women:** Because arugula contains folic acid and Vitamin B9 (3.69 micrograms per cup according to USDA data), it is considered a great dietary choice for mothers during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Consuming adequate amounts of folic acid protects against certain birth defects in fetuses and supports the overall health of pregnant mothers.

6. **Improves Skin Health:** Sin notes that arugula is rich in beta-carotene, which research suggests can help support skin health, especially for those with softer and more elastic skin.

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