
Title: New Shipment of "Lethal Weapons" from Canada to Ukraine

Title: New Shipment of

Ukraine is receiving a plane full of "lethal military aid" from Canada on Wednesday, as announced by Canada amid rising tensions and fears of a "full-scale" Russian invasion. Canadian Defense Minister Anita Anand stated on Twitter: "Today, our Canadian Armed Forces delivered a second shipment of lethal military assistance to support our Ukrainian partners." She added, "Russia's additional invasion of a sovereign nation is entirely unacceptable. We will continue to stand with Ukraine as it defends its sovereignty and independence."

Recently, Ukraine has received various military aid shipments from the West amid escalating tensions along its border with Russia. Earlier on Tuesday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced economic sanctions against Russia, describing its actions against Ukraine as "an additional invasion of a sovereign nation, which is completely unacceptable." Trudeau stated, "We will prohibit Canadians from engaging in the purchase of Russian government bonds. We will impose additional sanctions on state-backed Russian banks and prevent any financial dealings with them."

This Canadian move follows U.S. President Joe Biden's announcement of sanctions against Moscow for its "initiation" of the invasion of Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin's indication of troop deployments outside of Russia. The UK and the European Union also announced similar sanctions targeting Russian banks and "wealthy individuals," as well as Russian lawmakers who supported the recognition of the independence of the separatist regions in eastern Ukraine. Western officials have been warning for weeks that Putin is preparing to launch a full-scale attack on Ukraine, a step that could lead to a catastrophic war in Europe.

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