Maritime Security on the UN Security Council Agenda

The United Nations Security Council is holding a virtual session today, Monday, to discuss maritime security. This session is convened at the request of India, which presides over the Security Council this month, and is being led virtually by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett stated on Sunday that the Iranian regime is engaging in "terrorism" on international shipping routes, warning that Iran poses a "clear danger" to regional stability and international peace.

Ofer Gendelman, a spokesman for the Prime Minister, conveyed in a statement from Bennett during a government session that Iran was responsible for the attack on the "Mercer Street" ship operated by Israel in the Arabian Sea late last month, adding that Tehran continues to try to evade responsibility "in the most cowardly way".

Bennett welcomed the statement issued by the G7, which condemned the attack on the ship, and pointed to the escalation of what he described as Iranian "aggressive" activities across all regions of the Middle East by sea, air, and land.

At the same time, Josep Borrell, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, stated on Sunday that the EU strongly condemns the attack, describing it as "unlawful" against the commercial ship "Mercer Street" off the coast of Oman late last month.

Borrell added in a statement published on the EU Council's website that there is no justification for this attack, which resulted in the death of a Romanian and a British national, confirming that all available evidence clearly points to Iran. He continued, "These reckless unilateral actions, which contravene international law and threaten international peace, are unacceptable and must stop. Freedom of navigation must be ensured in accordance with international law."

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