
Enforcement Seizure on "Fransabank" and Sealing It Off

Enforcement Seizure on

The Judicial Enforcement Department in Beirut decided to seize the headquarters of "Fransabank" in Hamra, along with its branches across various regions, as part of enforcement procedures. This includes the seizure of all the bank's assets, including safes and funds, and sealing them with red tape. This decision was issued by the head of the Enforcement Department in Beirut, Judge Marriana Anani, and mandates the execution of the seizure on all shares, properties, and assets of "Fransabank" and its branches and companies throughout Lebanon, in preparation for public auction if the bank does not comply and pay the full amount of the deposit owed to the plaintiff, the United Alliance, represented by the attorney of the United Alliance acting on behalf of the plaintiff, Iyad Ghrawi Ibrahim from the Depositors Cry Association. The execution seizure on the assets of the defendant "Fransabank" includes the safes and funds in its main branch in Hamra and its branches located in various Lebanese regions, and an enforcement officer has been tasked with carrying out the necessary procedures.

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