
Media Reports: Turkish Intelligence Foils Iranian Plot to Assassinate Israeli Businessman in Turkey

Media Reports: Turkish Intelligence Foils Iranian Plot to Assassinate Israeli Businessman in Turkey

Media reports indicate that Turkish intelligence has thwarted an Iranian plot to assassinate an Israeli businessman in Istanbul. According to Turkish media reports received on Friday, the Turkish National Intelligence Organization arrested a cell consisting of nine individuals, including Iranians and Turks, sent to assassinate businessman Yair Giler, who holds dual Israeli and Turkish citizenship and resides in Istanbul. Giler owns an engineering company specializing in aerospace technologies.

The Turkish newspaper "Sabah" reported that the intelligence service thwarted the assassination attempt "at the last moment," noting that the Iranian cell monitored Giler's movements after leaving his home while being tracked by intelligence. The newspaper confirmed that the intelligence agency relocated Giler to a safe house and apprehended the cell members.

Furthermore, the newspaper mentioned that after receiving information about the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate Giler, the Turkish National Intelligence Organization informed the Israeli intelligence agency "Mossad" about the situation. It added that representatives from both agencies, during a secret meeting held in Ankara, concluded that the plot aimed to prevent the improvement of relations between Turkey and Israel and to take revenge for the assassination of prominent Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who was killed near Tehran in November 2020 using a remote-controlled machine gun. The newspaper pointed out that in light of the incident, the Israeli foreign ministry offered Giler the option to relocate to Tel Aviv, but the businessman declined the invitation.

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