
Video: A Technique Developed by the U.S. Military for Falling Asleep in Two Minutes

Video: A Technique Developed by the U.S. Military for Falling Asleep in Two Minutes

A military method developed by U.S. Army experts helps soldiers fall asleep in less than two minutes, regardless of time or place. About 96% of individuals who tried this technique fell asleep within two minutes, according to fitness expert Justin Augustine, who posted a video on the social media platform TikTok.

Justin states, "This technique was developed in the military to allow soldiers to sleep anytime and anywhere, even in a combat zone, where the environment can be extremely uncomfortable and noisy. Sleep is critically important for a soldier."

He added that this technique was primarily developed for fighter pilots who need to maintain 100% of their reflexes and focus, which we all know diminishes with lack of sleep.

In the video, Justin explains how this method works, saying, "Take a deep breath and begin to relax every part of your body from head to toe." He continues, "Relax your forehead muscles, your eyes, cheeks, and jaw... and focus on your breathing."

He further emphasizes, "Make sure your shoulders are relaxed... drop them to the lowest point possible, and let your arms rest loosely at your sides, including your palms and fingers. As you do this, imagine a warm feeling traveling from your head down to your fingertips."

He adds, "Now, take a deep breath and exhale slowly, relaxing your chest, abdomen, thighs, knees, legs, and feet."

It is important to clear your mind of any thoughts or stressors. Think of yourself lying in a boat on a calm lake with a clear blue sky above you, or lying in a black velvet hammock in a completely dark room.

If you find yourself distracted at any moment, repeat the phrase "Don't think, don't think," for ten seconds.

Justin concludes, "You should practice this every night for six weeks. It turns out that 96% of people who master this technique can fall asleep within two minutes of closing their eyes."

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