Arab World

Dust Storm Strikes Several Arab Countries and Halts Flights

Dust Storm Strikes Several Arab Countries and Halts Flights

A dust storm has hit several Arab countries, originating from Iraq, leading to the suspension of air travel due to dust and poor visibility. Baghdad International Airport announced, in a statement, the closure of airspace and the cessation of flight operations at the airport today, Monday, due to the dust storms. Meanwhile, Najaf Airport management also announced the suspension of flights citing the dust storms, indicating that "the airspace of Najaf International Airport is currently closed."

The Iraqi Prime Minister's Office announced a suspension of work in official state institutions today due to adverse weather conditions. Recently, a dust storm laden with large amounts of sand and dust has struck the Rafha governorate in Saudi Arabia, with expectations that it will reach the Riyadh, Northern, and Eastern regions in the coming hours. The National Center of Meteorology in Saudi Arabia issued several alerts regarding the expected weather conditions in the coming hours across the Eastern region, Qassim, Riyadh, Mecca, Medina, Northern regions, Hail, Najran, Al-Jawf, and Tabuk.

In Kuwait, the Meteorological Department warned of a dust wave that will last until midnight, with active northwestern winds that may exceed speeds of 60 km/h. The warning mentioned that horizontal visibility could drop to less than 500 meters in some areas, and sea waves may rise to over 7 feet. In Syria, the city of Deir ez-Zor experienced strong winds carrying dust, leading to visibility issues. The Director of Health in Deir ez-Zor, Bashar Al-Shaibi, stated that the directorate has raised readiness in its hospitals and medical points to accommodate emergency cases for asthma patients, which increase in such weather conditions.

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