
Dima Al-Jundi: "Some Stubborn Minds Force Us to Publish Audacious Photos to Get Their Attention"

Dima Al-Jundi:

The artist Dima Al-Jundi stated that she does not mind doing advertisements as long as she is the face of a well-known brand, especially if it concerns beauty and skincare. She also does not oppose artists using social media to achieve financial gains.

The Syrian actress Dima Al-Jundi announced her real age, revealing that she will turn forty-four next month, and she is proud of her age, motherhood, and her daughter. She explained that she is now considering getting involved again, and the idea of marriage is back on the table because she does not want to remain alone, but she is waiting for the right man.

Regarding her presence on social media, Dima said that she does not care about offensive comments, except those that target her daughter Tia. Regarding accusations of being overly bold in some photos, she pointed out that she did not exaggerate but stepped outside the norm, considering it a natural thing for her as an actress.

She expressed her opinion about some directors and writers, describing them as having stubborn minds since they can only see her in nice and romantic roles, despite her having presented other characters. This situation forces her to publish photos that may be audacious to draw their attention to different aspects of her personality and appearance.

Dima mentioned the series "Al-Sununu," starring the Syrian actor Yasser Al-Athma, which will air next Ramadan. She pointed out that Al-Athma contacted her to join the cast, and they had not worked together for 20 years, which made her very happy and led her to agree without hesitation.

She indicated that she has not missed out on participating in any series within Syria since leaving Damascus years ago. Regarding her rejection of offers from producers abroad, she stated that the pay is low and her talent deserves more.

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