
Strangest Theft Incident in India: The Accused are Police Officers

Strangest Theft Incident in India: The Accused are Police Officers

Officials in the Indian state of Mizoram have accused police officers from Assam of stealing materials from the Kolasib area in Mizoram, in a rare and unusual incident. According to NDTV, officials from Mizoram stated that a case has been registered against the police officers, noting that members of the Assam police entered an area in Kolasib where a bridge is under construction and created problems with the workers. These officials accused the police of stealing construction materials, including pieces of iron rods, explaining that they provided details of the incident to Assam.

Three districts in Mizoram, including the state center Kolasib, share a 165 km border with three districts in Assam, and there are disputed borders in at least five locations. However, officials confirmed that the incident of police officers being accused of theft cannot be treated as a border issue because it occurred at a construction site for a road connection.

Last month, six police officers in Assam were killed in clashes at the border with the neighboring state of Mizoram due to a border dispute in the Cachar area, where unknown assailants fired from Mizoram territory, resulting in casualties among Assam security personnel and injuries. Security forces from both states have been deployed to the disputed border, where tensions remain high. Russian Today reported that the Indian Home Minister has requested the Chief Ministers of both states, in two phone calls, to urgently find a peaceful resolution to the border conflict, with both local government leaders expressing readiness to make every effort to achieve this and withdraw security forces from both sides of the border.

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