Shaima Sabt Seeks Help for Amina Al-Qaffas

The health condition of artist Amina Al-Qaffas has deteriorated, and she has entered a critical phase in the intensive care unit of a hospital. Bahraini artist Shaima Sabt announced the details and called on all her fans to urgently donate blood to save her.

Shaima shared a video on Instagram pleading for help, stating: "Oh people of the community, your daughter from Bahrain, who has entertained you and made you laugh, is in need of your prayers and urgently requires blood donations at King Hamad Hospital. Her condition is critical and very dangerous."

She added, "Unfortunately, no one has come forward to donate. Please save her; she has blood type B and AB. Our beautiful artist is in a grave condition in the ICU and needs blood. Do not hesitate; I urge you, and may God heal her and bring her back to us. Please, I will post the contact numbers; it is imperative that you reach out to them, and I call upon all artists to visit her."

Bahraini artist Amira Mohammed had previously revealed on Instagram that Amina Al-Qaffas is struggling with her illness and is complaining about the lack of support from her colleagues and friends.

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