
Sherine Takes Legal Action Against Source of Rumored Reconciliation with Hossam Habib

Sherine Takes Legal Action Against Source of Rumored Reconciliation with Hossam Habib

The Egyptian artist Sherine has decided to take action against whoever leaked the news of her reconciliation with her ex-husband, artist Hossam Habib. Sherine's lawyer, Hossam Lotfy, stated in an interview with Al Arabiya that they will "take legal measures against anyone proven to be spreading false information about the Egyptian artist, as this could harm her and her audience."

Lotfy explained that "Sherine's public statement is clear: her personal and marital life is a red line, and any information regarding her life should come from her personally." He emphasized that "the private life of any individual is a red line, and it is the artist who determines the nature of their relationship with others."

He concluded by saying that "if a friend allowed themselves to leak information they believe to be accurate, they will bear full legal responsibility."

On Wednesday, Sherine Abdul Wahab asserted that the rumors regarding her personal life are untrue and held those promoting and disseminating such news fully accountable. She added that she alone has the right to announce any news regarding her marriage and urged her beloved audience to ignore such rumors, stating that her current focus is to delight them with new songs.

The music producer Youssef Dandash had mentioned during a recent event in Cairo, per Al-Masry Al-Youm, that Sherine Abdul Wahab had reconciled with her ex-husband Hossam Habib, and he expressed his blessings for their reconciliation. He further noted that Sherine and Hossam are friends of his, and he holds them in high regard and respect, stating that he contacted Sherine Abdul Wahab on the phone, and the response came from Hossam Habib.

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