
Strange Crime: Woman Stabs Man During Date in Revenge for Soleimani!

Strange Crime: Woman Stabs Man During Date in Revenge for Soleimani!

In a most unusual crime, American police arrested a woman in Las Vegas who stabbed a man she was on a date with in a hotel. According to details, the victim and the accused, identified as Nika Nikoubin, who is American of Iranian descent, met through a dating app and agreed to meet at a hotel. At that point, the accused asked the man to blindfold himself, and after he agreed, she stabbed him in the neck with a sharp object, as reported by the Associated Press. However, after being stabbed, the man managed to push the accused away and escape the room to call emergency services, according to the police report.

During the investigation, Nikoubin admitted to her actions but justified them with strange statements, claiming she did it in retaliation against American forces for the killing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard militia leader Qasem Soleimani in a raid in Iraq in 2020. The 21-year-old accused has been charged with attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and robbery. The health status of the man has not been disclosed yet. It is worth noting that Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, was killed in a U.S. airstrike in Iraq in January 2020. Nikoubin is scheduled to appear in court for a preliminary hearing on March 24, and it remains unclear whether she has an attorney.

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