
US State Department to Reconsider Houthi Designation as Terrorist Organization

US State Department to Reconsider Houthi Designation as Terrorist Organization

The US State Department announced that it has begun the process of reconsidering the designation of the Houthi group in Yemen as a terrorist organization.

Reuters reported that a spokesperson for the US State Department stated that Washington has started reviewing the Houthi designation and is working as quickly as possible to finalize the process and make a decision. Antony Blinken, the nominee for US Secretary of State by President-elect Joe Biden, said this week that Washington would review the designation, which United Nations officials and relief groups fear may affect trade movement in Yemen, where a widespread famine exists and 80 percent of the population requires aid.

Blinken emphasized that while the Houthis bear "significant responsibility" for the humanitarian crisis, which is "the worst in the world," the Saudi-led coalition has greatly contributed to this situation. Notably, the United Nations has warned that the decision by the Trump administration to designate the "Ansar Allah" group in Yemen as a terrorist organization could lead to "serious humanitarian and political consequences."

The spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General, Stéphane Dujarric, stated in a press release that implementing the US plan to place "Ansar Allah" and its leaders on the US terrorism list "will likely lead to serious humanitarian and political consequences," stressing the urgent need for the US to issue "necessary licenses and exemptions to ensure that humanitarian assistance continues to reach all people without interruptions."

The UN official expressed concern that this designation could negatively impact efforts to resume the political process in Yemen and lead to further polarization in the conflict parties' positions. Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had previously announced plans to inform Congress of the designation of the "Ansar Allah" group as a terrorist organization, along with placing its prominent leaders, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, Abdul-Khalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and Abdullah Yahya al-Hakim, on the terrorism list.

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