
The Importance of Deep Sleep

The Importance of Deep Sleep

Deep sleep is a phase of sleep where eye movement decreases and brain wave activity slows down. If a person wakes up during this stage, they may feel dizzy, confused, or have a headache. According to a recent study, an individual needs between 15% and 23% of their sleep to be deep.

Feeling tired during the day or needing excessive caffeine to overcome fatigue are signs that you are not getting enough overall sleep, particularly deep sleep, as stated in a recent study published in the journal Communications Biology.

The findings of the study indicate that during deep sleep, "blood pressure is low and stable, which facilitates the body’s repair of cells in both the body and the mind. Additionally, periods of deep sleep strengthen the immune system."

How to achieve deep sleep?

- Deep breathing before bed calms the body and lowers blood pressure.

- Monitor caffeine intake throughout the day.

- Go to bed slightly earlier than your usual bedtime.

- Take melatonin supplements two hours before sleep if you suffer from insomnia.

- Darken the bedroom effectively.

- Use an eye mask.

- Keep screens and electronic devices away before bedtime for an adequate duration.

- Engage in sufficient physical activity during the day.

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