Arab World

Karki: Commitment of Social Security to Financial Advances for Hospitals Must Be Matched by a Commitment from the Healthcare Sector to Provide Insured Persons with Dignified Healthcare

Karki: Commitment of Social Security to Financial Advances for Hospitals Must Be Matched by a Commitment from the Healthcare Sector to Provide Insured Persons with Dignified Healthcare

The Director General of the National Social Security Fund, Dr. Mohammad Karki, issued decision number 57 on 12/2/2021, providing financial advances to hospitals contracted with the fund for January 2021, amounting to approximately 46 billion L.L., to be distributed among hospitals and doctors. These funds will be transferred to the hospitals' accounts and their medical committees starting Tuesday, 16/2/2021.

The statement from the Fund's Public Relations Directorate stated, "Since mid-2011, the National Social Security Fund has been committed to providing monthly financial advances to the healthcare sector (hospitals and contracted doctors) commensurate with the volume of transactions of each hospital to ensure the continuity of their efforts in providing treatment for the insured and receiving patients without any delay or favoritism.

This necessary measure, especially in light of the current health situation in Lebanon, where the medical, nursing, and hospital sectors are facing the COVID-19 pandemic with all their might, has led to an increase in financial payments to hospitals from around 300 billion L.L. annually to about 700 billion L.L. annually. Consequently, the director general issued decision number 57 on 12/2/2021, providing financial advances to the contracted hospitals for January 2021, amounting to approximately 46 billion L.L. to be distributed among hospitals and doctors. These funds will be transferred to the hospitals' accounts and their medical committees starting Tuesday, 16/2/2021.

In this context, the director general emphasizes to hospital owners and all stakeholders in this sector the importance of full commitment towards respecting the rates adopted by the fund, refraining from collecting additional financial differences or advance insurance amounts, and charging the insured only 10% of the hospital bill. He expressed gratitude for the significant sacrifices made by the medical and nursing teams and commended their efforts and commitment to fighting and limiting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, risking their lives to protect all Lebanese citizens, reminding that all insured persons are covered by the fund regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the same time, the director general confirmed that he would not hesitate to take all deterrent measures against violating hospitals, which could range from warnings to halting financial advances, terminating contracts permanently, and possibly filing lawsuits when necessary. He also emphasized the need to provide the best healthcare services for the insured while preserving their dignity and ensuring that the insured patient will not be left alone to face their fate amid the difficult circumstances facing the country, especially in light of the pandemic and the financial difficulties experienced by the Lebanese.

Dr. Karki also reminded esteemed insured persons not to hesitate to approach the administrative monitors affiliated with the Administrative Monitoring Department regarding hospitals in the fund and monitoring doctors if they encounter any problems or obstacles concerning hospitalization or to call the hotline (#2424) to address their issues."

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