Arab World

UNIFIL Reports Rocket Launches; Lebanese Army Finds Empty Platforms and One Equipped with a Missile

UNIFIL Reports Rocket Launches; Lebanese Army Finds Empty Platforms and One Equipped with a Missile

The Lebanese Army announced that several villages in the regions of al-Habbariyeh and Kfar Shuba were subjected to artillery shelling originating from Israeli artillery during the night of May 17-18, 2021. Ten explosive shells and seven illumination rounds were recorded. On the other hand, a patrol from the army found six empty rocket launch platforms and a seventh platform equipped with a missile, which was detonated in the outskirts of al-Habbariyeh.

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) announced late Monday evening that it is coordinating with the Lebanese Armed Forces to enhance security control after observing rocket launches from the Rashaya al-Fukhari area north of Kfar Shuba in southern Lebanon. UNIFIL added on Twitter: "... the Israeli forces responded with artillery fire at the location from which the rockets were launched."

The mission stated that its commander, Stefano Del Col, immediately contacted his counterparts in the Lebanese Army and Israeli military leaders, urging them to exercise maximum restraint to prevent any escalation in the situation. UNIFIL continued, “Israeli forces have now ceased fire.”

It mentioned that it is supporting the Lebanese Army in the search operation in the area and has increased patrols "to prevent any further incidents that would jeopardize the safety of the local population and the security of southern Lebanon." They said, "The UNIFIL commander remains in contact with the parties to ensure stability in the area and to defuse tensions." They added, "The situation is calm now in the region."

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