
Two Friends Abandoned Their Companion to Death and Disposed of His Body!

Two Friends Abandoned Their Companion to Death and Disposed of His Body!

The following statement was issued by the General Directorate of Internal Security Forces — Public Relations Division: "On the morning of April 19, 2022, a body of an unidentified person was found discarded on the coastal road in the Beirut neighborhood of Bourj Hammoud. Following investigations, it was revealed that the deceased was named L.S.H. (born in 1997, of Indian nationality). The relevant units of the information division immediately began on-site and inquiry procedures to unravel the circumstances. Through ongoing monitoring and diligent efforts, it was discovered that two unidentified individuals riding a motorcycle had discarded the body in the said locality. With intensive investigations and inquiries, the division managed to identify the perpetrators, who are both of Indian nationality: B.S. (born in 1994) and R.K. (born in 1997).

Orders were issued for patrols from the division to locate and arrest them as quickly as possible. On April 29, 2022, after precise observation and surveillance, one of the division’s patrols successfully apprehended them in the Doura area, while they were on the aforementioned motorcycle, which was confiscated. During the investigation, they confessed to the charges of discarding the body, stating that they were friends with the deceased. On April 18, 2022, in the afternoon, the latter visited their home, and during the visit, he felt unwell, and his health rapidly deteriorated, leading to his death. They refrained from taking him to the nearest hospital due to their illegal residency in Lebanese territory. They left the body lying on the ground until one o'clock in the morning to avoid attracting attention, and then borrowed a motorcycle from a friend to transport the body to Bourj Hammoud, where they disposed of it on the coastal road, fearing they would be accused of murder. Legal action has been taken against them, and they have been referred to the relevant authorities, based on the instructions of the competent judiciary."

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