
Bakeries Warn: Bread Crisis to Worsen in Two Days

Bakeries Warn: Bread Crisis to Worsen in Two Days

The Union of Bakeries and Ovens has indicated that "the bakery sector is experiencing a severe shortage of flour for the past two weeks, and the union has refrained from taking action to avoid creating a crisis during the electoral process and to prevent being accused of causing turmoil in the bread sector under current conditions. However, after the elections, it is necessary to raise our voices to demand securing the needs of bakeries and ovens for flour, as their supplies are about to run out within no more than three days, noting that the production capacity in the bakeries that have flour does not exceed fifty percent." The statement also inquired about "all relevant officials about the mechanism used in approving import invoices for wheat submitted by mills, as approvals seem discretionary and possibly regional, particularly since many mills have a stored stock of wheat which has not been paid for according to the supported mechanism. The number of these mills is seven, and they are essential for providing flour for Arabic bread, namely: Al-Shahbaa, Al-Barakah, Al-Hadithah, Al-Baqqa, Al-Dawrah, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, and Al-Junub Al-Kubra, which supply the southern region, the southern suburbs, and part of Beirut." The union emphasized "complete and thorough coordination with the Minister of Economy and Trade, who spares no effort in quickly approving wheat import operations, but we are astonished as to why this issue was not brought to the Cabinet during the last session, raising suspicions of a 'hidden agenda' and for whose benefit?" They warned of "the necessity to address this issue today before tomorrow, as the crisis is imminent and may worsen in the next two days."

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