
Angelina Jolie's Passport Photo Leak: Outrage in Yemen and Apologies from Activists

Angelina Jolie's Passport Photo Leak: Outrage in Yemen and Apologies from Activists

The leak of the passport document of UN envoy Angelina Jolie, Goodwill Ambassador, has sparked widespread anger among social media activists in Yemen, who described the act as shameful. They considered the release of the American actress's passport data a "betrayal of trust" and a moral crime punishable under international law.

While Facebook combats content that violates privacy, the image was leaked after activists attempted to obscure the UN envoy's date of birth to fraudulently engage with a post. Subsequently, Facebook removed the post and its algorithms issued notifications warning users of account suspension for repeated sharing of the image, indicating that publishing such documents is considered highly personal and confidential.

Yemeni social media users stated that the leak reflects the chaos Yemen suffers due to wars, conflicts, and blockades. Many Yemenis did not expect a UN envoy of Jolie's celebrity status to visit them. "Al-Arabiya.net" documented comments from influencers and intellectuals regarding the leak.

Writer Ibrahim Suleiman Al-Salimi said this behavior contradicts our ethics and does not belong to the intrinsic conduct of the Yemeni people, asserting that taking a photo of a UN envoy's passport is a crime punishable by law. He further stated, "This is private data that should not be shared about an ordinary person, let alone a UN envoy."

In response to the outrage, activists humorously noted, "How many airports in the world has Angelina landed at without an employee considering the shameful act of taking a photo of a UN envoy's personal document, knowing it is a red line that exposes them to accountability and punishment?"

Samah Askar, a member of the Global Peace Ambassadors organization, addressed Yemenis, urging them to hold accountable those who published Jolie's information and raise awareness about the sanctity of privacy violations. He condemned that Jolie's visit to Aden was meant to show solidarity with the Yemeni people while airport officials instead chose to photograph and publish her passport online.

He described this act as irresponsible and indicative of a lack of professional sensibility, warning that such behavior could make any UN ambassador or peace envoy think twice about the risks before visiting Yemen.

In addition, Yemeni influencers and intellectuals circulated a hashtag expressing apologies to Jolie, #حقك_علينا_يا_أنجلينا (We owe you, Angelina), where they expressed gratitude on behalf of 30 million Yemenis suffering under poverty, famine, and wars, appreciating the Goodwill Ambassador's visit to witness the struggles of a forgotten populace amid destruction and hunger.

According to local sources in Yemen, Jolie is expected to meet with officials from the internationally recognized Yemeni government in Aden, and media sources reported that the American star is also slated to visit the capital, Sana'a, to meet with those affected by the war.

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