
Salaries of Employees and Retirees Resolved: When Will They Be Paid?

Salaries of Employees and Retirees Resolved: When Will They Be Paid?

Sources in the Ministry of Finance informed "Moustakel Web" that the issue of salaries for the month of July has been resolved, and that:

- Administrative salaries along with social assistance will be paid starting Wednesday, July 6.

- Military personnel will receive their payments starting Friday, July 1.

- Retirees will start receiving their payments on Tuesday, July 4.

Statement from the Employees of the Directorates of Payments: A statement was issued by the employees of the Payments Directorate in the Ministry of Finance, stating the following: "Due to the sensitivity of the subject, we issue this clarifying statement to our fellow employees and retirees, both civilian and military:

We accepted responsibility as promised and completed the salaries, pensions, and social assistance for all, following exceptional efforts by all involved employees and the Treasury Directorate, which will transfer them to bank accounts in the coming days.

The delay that occurred was beyond our control and is solely borne by those who continue to ignore the problems and suffering of employees and do not seek to find any solutions, even simple and immediate ones.

We want to clarify that the return to work in the past days was not due to pressure but out of our conscience and our belief in not opposing our partners in suffering, meaning the employees and retirees, both civilian and military, of whom we and our families are a part.

However, unfortunately, some hastened to criticize their colleagues without acknowledging their suffering or questioning how salaries and pensions were disbursed during the lockdown due to COVID-19 and other difficult periods.

To those, we say that if you can attend work three to four days a week monthly throughout the year, we welcome you and are ready to facilitate the necessary procedures for your joining us even temporarily until the crisis ends.

We also point out that we have not received or benefited from any special provisions; on the contrary, our management did not share with us the significant cost of commuting to work, which we have borne from our own pockets to date, and this was the only demand in the past months that we did not receive.

Finally and most importantly, the main goal of this statement is to clarify once again that the process of disbursing salaries, pensions, and social assistance begins at the beginning of the month, which some neglect. Consequently, due to the compulsory closure imposed by circumstances, we are not responsible in any way for the non-payment of social assistance for the months of May and June, and the salaries and pensions that will be due in July if effective solutions are not found before the date of July 4, 2022.

We leave it to the officials to share with us the responsibility and apologize for our inability to continue."

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