Video: Putin Embarrasses Russian Intelligence Chief

The head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergey Naryshkin, found himself in an awkward position when President Vladimir Putin caught him off guard during a speech at the Russian National Security Council meeting on Monday. The embarrassing situation for Naryshkin, who does not frequently appear in the media, was captured by cameras that recorded his speech and reactions to Putin's unexpected comments.

The arrangement of the National Security Council meeting was for officials to take turns at the podium to address the Ukrainian crisis. When Naryshkin reached the podium, he began to elaborate on his points before being surprised by Putin’s question about whether he supported the decision to recognize the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine. Putin interrupted his intelligence chief several times, and at one moment, Naryshkin was seen swallowing hard, a sign of human tension.

To add to the awkwardness, Putin told Naryshkin to "speak frankly" in a manner devoid of diplomacy. The intelligence chief suggested using the threat of recognition of the two regions to pressure Ukraine into signing a peace agreement on Moscow's terms, prompting Putin to quickly interject: "Are you proposing to start a negotiation process or recognizing the regions as independent states? Speak clearly." Naryshkin stumbled and said, "I support the decision to recognize," but Putin interrupted him again: "Do you support the decision or will you support the decision? Speak clearly, Sergey."

Naryshkin faced further embarrassment when he stated that he supported the annexation of the separatist regions into Russia. However, Putin clarified that this matter was not up for discussion at the meeting, and what was being discussed was their recognition as independent states.

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