
What Happened Behind the Scenes of the Aoun - Mikati Meeting?

What Happened Behind the Scenes of the Aoun - Mikati Meeting?

The "al-Liwaa" newspaper learned from sources who followed the recent meeting in Baabda between President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati that "the atmosphere of the meeting was positive and there was a desire from both presidents to cooperate in accordance with proper procedures." The discussion covered several files, starting from the formation of the government, where they discussed the lineup presented by Mikati in June. There was understanding that addressing the governmental crisis would start from the initial formation while considering the comments made by President Aoun to Prime Minister Mikati, and they would study ways to arrive at a mutually agreed government formation.

Some ideas were exchanged between the two presidents, and they decided to continue discussions later based on communications they would make to reach positive results that would facilitate the government formation, especially after a genuine intention to move forward with the formation was evident. They agreed to continue consultations and seek solutions regarding the ministerial lineup.

Mikati informed Aoun about the vibes from the ministerial meeting he held the day before and some points raised there, especially regarding addressing the economic, financial, and living crises, particularly the issues of electricity and fuel. They reached agreements on certain points to tackle these issues, which would be further discussed in the upcoming meeting and with the relevant ministers who would be informed of the agreements reached between the two presidents.

Other information indicated that slight amendments could be made to the government lineup based on President Aoun's previous remarks. Meanwhile, "government Saraya sources" distributed information indicating that "there is positivity; Prime Minister Mikati was keen to respond to skeptics by stating that he had submitted his lineup on June 29, and discussions on it are ongoing."

Saraya sources expressed surprise at the "known objectives behind the leaks," which suggest that Mikati visited the President after hinting at not handing over power to an incomplete caretaker government, asserting that this was incorrect. During a phone call initiated by Mikati with the President to congratulate him on the Feast of the Virgin Mary, Aoun invited him to Baabda Palace for consultations.

Saraya sources once again warned against the intervention of parties unrelated directly to the formation process attempting to hinder it, as had happened previously. Conversely, informed political sources told "al-Liwaa" that the revival of the government file resulted from communications and advice given to those involved, without overlooking the stance of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, who spoke about forming the government without mentioning the presidential election.

The sources questioned whether there had been shifts prompting communication between the President and the Prime Minister-designate after the governmental stagnation, noting a consensus reached that a certain attempt is better than other options. They pointed out that the call between them, which preceded the meeting, facilitated the matter and that it was clear the President and the Prime Minister-designate decided to give a new chance for the formation, though this does not mean the matter is settled since concerns remain.

They highlighted that their discussions began with the last lineup Mikati presented to President Aoun on June 29, which they decided to revisit, with the possibility of making adjustments to some names and portfolios; however, fears of a lack of consensus persist. They confirmed there is a desire for a new government and that ideas were proposed and may be discussed in an upcoming meeting between them.

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