
Fiad Heads to Syria to Attend Renewable Energy Conference

Fiad Heads to Syria to Attend Renewable Energy Conference

The Minister of Energy and Water, Dr. Walid Fiad, cast his vote as soon as the polling stations opened at ballot number one in his hometown, Batroumin. He stated, "We have fulfilled our national duty," praising the organization of the electoral process.

He added, "I was impressed by the organization and I thank everyone who helped us complete this process, because since the issuance of this government's statement, one of its fundamentals has been to complete the electoral process in good health and safety," hoping that these elections would be "a gesture of success for a better future for the country and its people."

He continued, "We want today the support of all countries that are friends of Lebanon so that we can rise, as we are in need of all assistance."

Immediately after casting his vote, Fiad traveled to Syria in response to an invitation from his Syrian counterpart, Minister of Electricity Ghassan Al-Zamel, to attend the Renewable Energy Conference in Damascus, where he will also meet on the sidelines of the conference with the Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources, Bassam Taha, and they will work with their teams to finalize the treaty for the transfer and exchange of Egyptian gas that arrives through Jordan to Syria and is exchanged with Lebanon.

It is also expected that he will meet both the Prime Minister and the Syrian Minister of Economy during his two-day visit, which will last until tomorrow evening.

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