
Jumblatt to "Hezbollah": No to War and No to a President from March 8

Jumblatt to

As the people's conditions deteriorate from bad to worse, and the flames of "Hell" surround their lives from all sides under the dominance of the March 8 forces, these forces are still searching for ways to extend their rule and control over the country and its citizens. Their eyes are set on the upcoming presidential election to ensure they retain the Baabda Palace under their control for an additional six years after the expiration of the Aounian term. However, what "Hezbollah" heard yesterday does not suggest that the "Clemenceau Road" will be paved for an attempt to elect a new president from March 8 to Baabda. Sources familiar with the atmosphere of the meeting held between the head of the "Progressive Socialist Party," Walid Jumblatt, and the political aide to the Secretary-General of "Hezbollah," Hussein Khalil, revealed that Jumblatt explicitly stated to Khalil that he "rejects the election of a President of the Republic belonging to the March 8 team or any president who challenges this team or that one."

Sources informed "Nidaa al-Watan" that the meeting at Clemenceau was characterized by "extreme frankness." The "Hezbollah" delegation began by expressing their "desire to open a new page" between the two sides, prompting Jumblatt to pose "a series of questions," leaving the answers to the leadership of "Hezbollah" in the coming days. Regarding the presidential file, he asked: "Are you willing to accept the election of a President of the Republic from outside the March 8 ranks?" In the delineation file, he directly questioned Khalil: "Is the issue of border escalation greater than the matter of tug-of-war negotiations with Israel, and does it have Iranian and Russian dimensions in the context of the conflict with the West?" He added: "We do not agree with the option of war because if you push matters in this direction, you will destroy the country and the last opportunity available to save it and revive it through its oil and gas wealth."

On the issue of the International Monetary Fund, Jumblatt demanded "Hezbollah" take a clear and explicit stance regarding the negotiation process with the Fund, warning "Hezbollah" that Lebanon's financial and economic salvation will only come through the IMF. "If you allow the country to collapse, it will collapse on you and everyone else." The "Hezbollah" delegation, which included the head of the liaison and coordination unit, Wafiq Safa, was careful not to provide satisfactory and conclusive answers to Jumblatt's questions. The delegation merely confirmed an "openness to discuss all options" regarding the presidential issue and indicated that, concerning the IMF, there was no "principled objection" to negotiations with it but emphasized the need to "delve into studying many details." As for the issue of maritime demarcation with Israel, "Hezbollah's" response was definitive: "We are not obsessed with war, but if the Israelis escalate and the state neglects its role, we will not remain idle," indicating a serious readiness for all scenarios, including the "war" scenario.

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