
France Warns Against Russia's Recognition of Separatist Regions in Ukraine: It Would Represent "Unarmed Aggression"

France Warns Against Russia's Recognition of Separatist Regions in Ukraine: It Would Represent

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian declared during a speech to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly on Tuesday evening that Russia's recognition of the independence of the separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine, as urged by Russian lawmakers, would be "a form of unarmed aggression and an unarmed dismantling of Ukraine's territorial integrity. It would be an infringement on Ukraine's sovereignty." The Élysée stated on Tuesday that French President Emmanuel Macron requested his Russian counterpart not to recognize the independence of these two regions.

Following a call from Russian lawmakers for the Kremlin to recognize the independence of the separatist regions in eastern Ukraine, Le Drian warned that this would constitute "unarmed aggression." He stated, "It would create an impossible situation, a form of unarmed aggression and an unarmed dismantling of Ukraine's territorial integrity. It would be an infringement on Ukraine's sovereignty."

On Tuesday, Russian lawmakers urged President Vladimir Putin to recognize the independence of the separatist regions which have been in conflict with the Ukrainian army in eastern Ukraine for eight years. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that there is currently "no official decision" on this matter, but the lawmakers' request "reflects the opinion of the Russian population."

Recognizing these regions would signify the end of the peace process in eastern Ukraine and the Minsk agreements signed under French and German mediation, which stipulate the eventual return of these areas to Kyiv's sovereignty. The Élysée also mentioned that President Macron asked his Russian counterpart not to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics. The French presidency added, "The Russian president stated that this is a parliamentary initiative that has not been approved... We will ask him not to proceed with the request of the State Duma."

The French Prime Minister explained that French schools in Kyiv have been closed to allow families of French diplomats wishing to leave Ukraine to do so amid rising tensions at the border with Russia. On the other hand, Jean-Yves Le Drian noted, "We do not consider that the current situation necessitates changing our embassy's position," whereas the United States chose to relocate its embassy to Lviv, in western Ukraine.

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