
22 Deputies for the Forces... the Largest Christian Bloc

22 Deputies for the Forces... the Largest Christian Bloc

Preliminary unofficial results from the electoral committees indicate that, after counting 540 out of 590 ballot boxes, nine candidates from the "Hope and Loyalty" list emerged victorious. These include current deputies: Hussein Al-Haj Hassan, Ghazi Zaaiter, Ali Al-Maqdad, Ibrahim Al-Moussawi, and Ihab Hamada for the Shia seats; Sunni candidates Yanal Solh and Melhem Al-Hojairy; and Samer Atoum for the Greek Catholic seat. The current deputy Antoine Habshi won the Maronite seat. Celebrations of victory filled Baalbek with supporters of Amal and Hezbollah, while supporters of the Lebanese Forces celebrated in the town of Deir El-Ahmar.

Official counting is ongoing at the Baalbek Courthouse, with results expected in the early morning hours. Electoral committees in the south reported that results from counting 110 out of 199 ballot boxes in the villages of Zahrani showed the "Hope and Loyalty" list received 32,574 votes, "The Supporting State" got 1,755 votes, "Together for Change" received 1,096 votes, and "The Free Decision" received 34 votes. Candidate Nabih Berri garnered 29,088 votes, Ali Assir 1,516, Michel Moussa 456, Riad Al-Asaad 992, and Youssef Khalifah 354 votes.

Reports suggest that preliminary results in Metn, after counting 90% of the boxes, indicate that the Lebanese Forces secured two seats, the Phalange Party also received two seats, as did the Free Patriotic Movement, and Michel Murr - Tashnag also secured two seats. The Free Patriotic Movement's electoral committee in Batroun announced that candidate Ghiath Yazebek is in first place with 9,350 votes, followed by Jibran Bassil with 8,250 votes, and Majd Harb in third place with 6,160 votes, not including votes from expatriates, which will not affect the ranking of the winners.

It is clear that the Lebanese Forces have won the largest number of seats, becoming the largest Christian bloc, with an unofficial tally suggesting they will have 22 deputies. Reuters reported, citing the head of the electoral apparatus of the Free Patriotic Movement, Sayyid Younes, that the Free Patriotic Movement, allied with Hezbollah, won 16 seats in the parliamentary elections. He noted that the movement had won 18 seats in the 2018 elections and plans to form a bloc of around 20 deputies with its allies once the election results are finalized.

In this context, Reuters also reported from a Hezbollah official that the head of the Lebanese Democratic Party, Talal Arslan, backed by the party, lost his parliamentary seat to a newcomer. Earlier, Reuters cited the media office of the Lebanese Forces, Antoniette Geagea, stating that the Lebanese Forces won 20 seats in the Lebanese parliamentary elections. Geagea indicated that this number could increase, and with allies from various sects and religious parties, the Lebanese front could form "the largest parliamentary bloc" in the 128-seat council.

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