
Official Results of the Parliamentary Elections: These Are the Winners in Some Districts

Official Results of the Parliamentary Elections: These Are the Winners in Some Districts

Interior and Municipalities Minister Bassam Mawlawi announced the results of the parliamentary elections in a press conference at the Ministry of Interior. He noted that in the South II district, the winners are Nabih Berri, Hussein Jishi, Ali Khreis, Inaya Ezzeddine, Ali Assir, and Michel Moussa. In the South I district, the winners are Abdurrahman Al-Bizri, Osama Saad, Said Asmar, Charbel Masad, and Ghada Ayoub. In the Beqaa III district, the winners are Hussein Al-Haj Hassan, Ghazi Zaiter, Ihab Hamada, Ibrahim Al-Mousawi, Antoine Habashi, Jamil Al-Sayyid, and Muhammad Al-Hajiri.

In Mount Lebanon I, the winners are Ziad Hawwat, Raed Bro, Nada Al-Boustani, Ni'mat Afram, Shawki Al-Dakach, Farid Khazen, Simon Abi Ramia, and Salim Al-Sayyag. In Beqaa I, the winners are Rami Abu Hamdan, Georges Okais, Michel Daher, Elias Estefan, Salim Aoun, Bilal Al-Hachim, and Georges Bouchikian. Mawlawi announced that the winners in Beqaa II district are Qablan Qablan, Wael Abu Faour, Hassan Murad, Yassin Yassin, Charbel Maroun, and Ghassan Al-Sakkaf.

Winners in Mount Lebanon III district are Ali Ammar, Pierre Bou Assi, Hadi Abu Al-Hassan, Alan Aoun, Fadi Allama, and Camille Chamoun. Mawlawi stated that “the irregularity that occurred in Baalbek-Hermel for a few minutes did not prevent objections from winning a seat nor does it lead to annulment of the results in the district.” He added, “Despite all the difficulties and skepticism, we were able to conduct the electoral process well, and all the campaigns of skepticism that accompany the counting of results do not affect our work nor the work of the officials and judges who worked tirelessly to fulfill their national duties to contribute to the country's salvation and to issue the results. The voting turnout is not low but rather good, and it is approximately the same or slightly less than the turnout in the previous elections.”

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