Arab World

Beirut Governor Inspects Traffic Control Center and Internal Security Operations Room

Beirut Governor Inspects Traffic Control Center and Internal Security Operations Room

Beirut Governor Judge Marwan Aboud praised the significant development and professionalism he observed during his visit to the Emil El-Helo barracks, which all serve the interests of the citizens.

The National News Agency reported via the Public Relations Department of Beirut Municipality that Governor Marwan Aboud visited the Emil El-Helo barracks today, accompanied by Beirut Police Chief in the Internal Security Forces, Brigadier General Mohammad Ayoub, along with several commanding officers. He inspected the traffic control center and the operations room of the Internal Security Forces.

The agency clarified that Aboud learned from the supervising officers about the nature of the work of the personnel, how they communicate with the citizens, receive complaints through the hotline 112, and the means to address them and the procedures taken to provide help and assistance to those in need of aid.

Aboud commended the "positive role of the Internal Security Forces in preserving security across Lebanon," stating, "Despite the significant responsibilities imposed on them, they are always fully prepared to maintain security, establish order, protect citizens, and instill reassurance in their hearts."

The Beirut Governor praised the "great development and professionalism" he witnessed during the visit, which ultimately benefits citizens, as the positive impacts contribute to the success of security preservation efforts and the prevention of disruptive activities.

Aboud highlighted the unsung heroes whose work and sacrifices have served the city of Beirut and its residents by uncovering key links to the network responsible for stealing manhole covers from the city's streets after the port explosion, which caused numerous incidents affecting many citizens due to the loss of these covers, alongside the financial losses suffered by the Beirut Municipality due to these thefts.

Aboud confirmed his complete readiness to provide assistance in overcoming all obstacles facing the Internal Security Forces or hindering their progress, especially in these difficult times our beloved country Lebanon is going through, where citizen security is a top priority.

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