
Saudi-French Agreement on Funding Humanitarian Projects for the Lebanese People

Saudi-French Agreement on Funding Humanitarian Projects for the Lebanese People

The "Asharq Al-Awsat" newspaper reported that Prince Faisal bin Farhan, the Saudi Foreign Minister, held talks yesterday in Paris with his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian. The discussions addressed current regional and international developments and efforts to support the pillars of security and stability. The two sides reviewed the frameworks of Saudi-French relations and ways to enhance them across various fields, in a manner that serves the interests and aspirations of the two friendly countries.

During the discussions held at the French Foreign Ministry in Paris, there was a focus on the ongoing coordination between Saudi Arabia and France regarding the latest developments in Lebanon and the difficult circumstances faced by the Lebanese people amid the repercussions of a severe economic and humanitarian crisis. An agreement was reached to fund several initial humanitarian projects to assist the Lebanese people, marking the first step in joint efforts between Saudi Arabia and France to provide support in this regard. This will take the form of several charitable and humanitarian projects aimed at providing direct assistance to a number of hospitals and primary healthcare centers in Lebanon, enhancing healthcare directed at combating the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as contributing to the funding of basic educational facilities and supporting the distribution of baby formula and food to the most affected groups.

A joint working mechanism is being established between the two sides to provide support to the Lebanese people and fund certain activities of international non-governmental organizations working in relief and humanitarian assistance within Lebanon. The foreign ministers exchanged views on developments related to regional and international issues, as well as the situation in Yemen, emphasizing the importance of supporting efforts to reach a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis. This includes the efforts of the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, based on the Gulf Initiative, its executive mechanisms, the outcomes of the comprehensive national dialogue, and relevant Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 2216.

For its part, the French side reaffirmed France's full support for the Saudi peace initiative presented on March 22, 2021, and strongly condemned the ballistic missile and drone attacks perpetrated by the Houthi militia. The talks also addressed the Iranian nuclear file, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that any agreement reached prevents Iran from developing or acquiring a nuclear weapon. The two ministers agreed on the importance of continuing coordination to face challenges and enhance regional security. They exchanged views on developments related to the ongoing Ukrainian crisis and related circumstances, as well as several other topics of mutual interest. The meeting was attended by Fahd Al-Ruwaili, the Saudi Ambassador in Paris, and Abdul Rahman Al-Daoud, Director General of the Minister of Foreign Affairs' Office.

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