
Presidential Initiative for "Forces of Change".

Presidential Initiative for

A statement was issued following the retreat of the Forces of Change bloc: The Forces of Change bloc held a retreat attended by all thirteen bloc representatives, which is part of a series of meetings to continue preparations for constitutional entitlements, especially the issue of electing the President of the Republic and determining legislative priorities for the upcoming phase.

The following topics were discussed:

- **On the Election of the President of the Republic**: The focus was on the presidential entitlement, and the attendees agreed to launch an initiative that proposes a comprehensive approach to it. This initiative includes political stances and a constitutional and value-oriented approach that establishes a political and popular framework driving toward the election of a president who contributes to launching a rescue path for the country. Additionally, the attendees reviewed and assessed the presidential electoral scene and agreed to continue the initiative among themselves, which will serve as a starting point for communication with other forces. Deputies Michel Douaihy and Melhem Khalaf were tasked with preparing the document and finalizing the initiative to be launched at the beginning of September with the start of the constitutional deadline.

- **On Economic Conditions**: The discussion covered the necessary reforms needed to rescue the country from financial and economic collapse, represented by striking down the banking secrecy law, proposing a budget lacking any reform vision or studies concerning current challenges, as well as the evasion of the capital control law to protect the interests of powerful individuals and banks, and the continuation of the restructuring of the financial and banking sector which is still being "prepared" at the Central Bank of Lebanon. The attendees confirmed that the solution lies in adopting a comprehensive recovery plan at the financial, economic, and social levels, with the first signs being the agreement at the expert level between the Lebanese government and the International Monetary Fund. A comprehensive solution package is the only way to stop the ongoing and deliberate financial and economic crime against the rights of citizens.

- **On Parliamentary Challenges**: The retreat addressed the issue of electoral challenges, condemning media campaigns aimed at misleading public opinion and spreading rumors that pave the way for a campaign of interference and political pressure in the actions of the Constitutional Council. It was emphasized that the representatives will initiate steps to confront any attempts to circumvent the will of the Lebanese people expressed at the ballot boxes.

- **On Various Matters**: There was consensus on the legislative priorities for the Forces of Change bloc and the mechanism for following up on these in Parliament with other blocs and forces. The attendees reaffirmed their commitment to monitoring and holding the executive authority accountable, especially concerning the crimes of August 4 and other urgent living issues.

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