
The Announcement: "Partnership and Will" is a National Station Towards a Better Future... Extracting Lebanon from Collapse is the Priority

The Announcement:

The electronic newspaper Al-Anbaa reported: The electoral entitlement takes precedence over other issues as we approach May 15, amid significant developments including the return of the Saudi ambassador to Beirut and the signing of a preliminary agreement with the International Monetary Fund, which is expected to outline the path post-elections and the way out of the current collapse.

The head of the Democratic Gathering bloc, MP Taymour Jumblatt, discussed the future of the country and the essential themes of the current phase amidst Lebanon's situation, affirming during the announcement of the "Partnership and Will" list in the Shouf and Aley district that "only the voice of reason is needed at this stage to confront the anarchists." He said, "We meet for the battle of sovereignty, the battle to affirm Lebanon's Arab identity and its historical relations with Arab countries, and the battle for independent national decision free from any external or internal dominance."

Jumblatt emphasized that "our school is a school of struggle for rights, and our battle is a battle for justice, a battle for dignity, and a jihad for the rights of the people that have been stolen by the group 'They Did Not Leave Us'," asserting that "we will not surrender."

Democratic Gathering member MP Bilal Abdullah pointed out through Al-Anbaa that "there was a confirmation during the announcement of the list to preserve the mountain, its authenticity, Arab identity, interests, and its continuation in the Arab line," adding, "It is clear that there is a decision to continue facing challenges by promoting the party's titles, achievements, history, and sacrifices, while preserving the reconciliation of the mountain, coexistence, and establishing this Arab depth from the region to all areas of the mountain."

For his part, member of the Strong Republic bloc MP Wahi Qataisha underscored the importance of the alliance between the Lebanese Forces and the Progressive Socialist Party as essential, stating, "This is how the mountain was historically built, and this is how it began with great leaders who were keen on the mountain and the brotherly coexistence among its inhabitants." He considered that "the historical reconciliation in August 2001 restored the mountain to its authenticity, and this is not new to us as Lebanese Forces."

He said: "We have learned many lessons from the past, and the decision to maintain the unity of the mountain is historic, and what we witnessed in the mountain yesterday is quite natural. I hope all the people of the mountain do not allow those who disturb the peace of living in the mountain because the unity of the mountain is the foundation for the unity of Lebanon and its natural role as a beacon of this East and a refuge for Arabs to return as a university for the East, a hospital for the East, a refuge for the East, and a tourist resort."

For its part, sources from the National Liberal Party stated in a call with Al-Anbaa that the announcement of the "Partnership and Will" list from Bait Eddine is a national celebration in every sense of the word, bringing back memories of the national alliance that united President Camille Chamoun and educator Kamal Jumblatt in the socialist front that overthrew President Bashara Khouri. Even during the phase of political disagreement, the two great leaders managed to keep the mountain neutral from the political conflict that was later cemented by Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt and Professor Dori Shamoun. Yesterday, the unity of the mountain was manifested in this alliance that included the three parties: the Progressive Socialist Party, the Lebanese Forces, and the National Liberal Party.

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