Ahmad Al-Ahmad Faces Criticism Over His Nose

The young Syrian artist Ahmad Al-Ahmad appeared to his audience on social media with a different look from what they were used to.

Fans were surprised by the changes he made to his appearance, accusing him of undergoing cosmetic surgery on his nose. Social media users circulated the hashtag "Ahmad Al-Ahmad undergoes cosmetic surgery on his nose." Followers criticized the artist, indicating that his long nose was a distinctive feature of his character. Among the comments were, "He was better, honestly, and we got used to it. This made him look older," "By the way, we loved your character; your nose was unique. Why change it to respond to people?" "He ruined himself; it was a beauty mark for him," and "Oh, my beautiful nose... I loved you for your nose... the nose is gone, but Ahmad remains."

Conversely, some suggested he looked better than before. One commenter said, "Bravo, he should have done it a long time ago, just like his brother," while another wrote, "In either case, he is charming and likable," and another follower added, "Don't respond to people's criticisms of your nose; what's important is that you did what makes you comfortable."

Syrian artist Qassem Malhouf defended him by posting on his Facebook page, "Are you serious? You left his art and chased after his nose? Come on now!"

It is noteworthy that Ahmad Al-Ahmad has started filming his scenes in the series "Autumn of Lovers" in the Syrian capital, Damascus, which is written by Diana Jabour and directed by Joud Said.

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