Doctors recommend cleaning the gaps between teeth during routine oral hygiene practices, as there are certain areas that a regular toothbrush cannot reach. The gaps can be cleaned using dental floss, inter-dental brushes, or specialized sticks. Professor Dietmar Ostereich, Vice President of the German Dental Association, explained that these areas occur when teeth are aligned next to each other, creating small gaps that serve as perfect opportunities for bacteria to thrive, leading to tooth decay and gum diseases.
#### The Importance of Daily Cleaning
Dentist Professor Stefan Zimmer emphasized the necessity of cleaning the gaps between teeth every evening, following the usual brushing routine. The saliva in the mouth contains antibacterial substances, thus preventing tooth decay; however, saliva flow decreases in the evening, reducing protective function. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important for teeth and the spaces between them to be clean while sleeping.
#### Dental Floss
Dental floss is the most well-known tool for cleaning the gaps between teeth, but it can cause harmful effects on the gums if used incorrectly. The German dentist stated, "The purpose of cleaning with dental floss is to slide along the curved surfaces of the teeth. If one merely rubs back and forth, it may cause gum damage." The importance of flossing is particularly noted among young people and middle-aged individuals, as the gums are closer to the teeth in the gaps, especially in youth.
#### Inter-Dental Brushes
The dentist believes that inter-dental brushes are more suitable for older individuals; as gums recede over time, gum diseases become prevalent, leading to wider gaps between teeth. In this case, cleaning these spaces with small brushes can be more effective. These brushes come in various sizes and shapes, and typically, the treating dentist explains the correct usage. Professor Ostereich affirmed that the brush should not be forced between the teeth with excessive pressure or be loose.
To utilize them, one should push the small brush into the gaps between the teeth from the outside and inside, and the brush can be used multiple times, but dentists recommend replacing it regularly, just like a regular toothbrush.
#### Inter-Dental Sticks
Zimmer advises using inter-dental sticks, which are thin plastic sticks covered with a silicone layer and have handles. These sticks come in various thickness sizes. They can be rinsed and reused. Zimmer added, "Inter-dental sticks clean thoroughly like dental floss but are easier to use, consequently reducing the risk of gum injury."
The dentist warned against using toothpaste when cleaning gaps with inter-dental sticks because toothpaste contains abrasive materials, and vigorous scrubbing may clean parts of the tooth roots present in the gaps.
In general, teeth should not be cleaned with excessive force; if one feels resistance, it should not be overcome with force. In such cases, it is advisable to consult the dentist about the best way to clean this area and how to do so effectively.