
Challenge Spreading Among Teenagers on TikTok: U.S. Authorities Warn

Challenge Spreading Among Teenagers on TikTok: U.S. Authorities Warn

A challenge known as (Orbeez) has spread among teenagers on the TikTok platform, involving the use of water gun-like devices to shoot "colored beads that expand when wet." U.S. authorities have warned about this challenge, indicating that it can lead to serious injuries. The Miami Herald published a report regarding the "Orbeez" challenge, which has already caused concern among some citizens.

It noted that law enforcement agencies in Florida have issued warnings about this challenge, which has gained popularity on social media during spring break. The challenge involves using toy-like water guns to shoot "colored beads," known as Orbeez, which "expand when wet." The police in Florida stated that the majority of participants in this challenge are teenagers, who use the toys to launch "gelatinous beads" at others, sometimes from their vehicles at drivers on the street.

They explained that "despite being soft, the beads can cause serious injury, as well as induce panic," meaning that these toys could frighten others. Earlier this week, the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office sent out a statement advising parents to warn their children about the dangers of this challenge. The sheriff's office pointed out that "Orbeez not only has the potential to harm someone, but a police officer could mistake the toy for a real gun and respond accordingly." The Fernandina Beach Police warned that "Orbeez is soft, non-toxic, and biodegradable, but it can cause injury if thrown at someone at high speed or in sensitive areas such as the eyes."

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