
Dietary Habits That Can Add 10 Years to Your Life

Dietary Habits That Can Add 10 Years to Your Life

Food plays a significant role in the aging process, as recent research has shown that the gut microbiome is essential for strengthening the immune system as one ages, helping to prevent age-related diseases, according to the website "Eat This Not That." What a person eats or drinks can impact years of healthy living; certain types of food can accelerate cellular aging, while others contain powerful antioxidants that can help slow the aging process and the diseases that accompany it. Several experts and nutritionists have warned against certain foods to avoid as we age because they contribute to accelerating the aging process. Here are some of them:

1. **Processed Foods**

Consuming a lot of processed foods is one of the most common eating habits, but it is harmful and accelerates aging. The main reason processed foods are harmful is that they typically contain high levels of refined carbohydrates, added sugars, and dangerous fats. Nutritionist Trista Best states that ages are formed when sugar is combined with fats or proteins, which can significantly speed up aging and harm gut health. Specifically, advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have been found to cause the body to release substances that harm the proteins that promote youth, leading to skin aging and increasing the risk of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's.

2. **Lack of Fiber**

Fiber is another important element for maintaining health in old age, which can be obtained from foods like oats, beans, apples, pears, almonds, and seeds. Dr. Kylie Ivanier, a nutrition expert, states that daily fiber intake is crucial as it not only maintains digestive health but has also been shown to help lower blood cholesterol levels, assist with weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight, and even help prevent diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

3. **Excessive Added Sugar**

Nutritionist Janet Coleman indicates that "high-sugar diets can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels and lead to insulin resistance, which is linked to diabetes, heart disease, and strokes." A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the consumption of added sugars in processed foods was associated with increased "frailty" in older adults, implying less physical activity and undesirable weight loss.

4. **Prebiotics**

Maintaining a healthy gut is one of the best ways to help slow the aging process, so consuming prebiotic-rich foods daily can help achieve this goal. Nutritionist Kara Landau explains that "prebiotics are fuel for the good bacteria in the gut [known as probiotics], so when a person consumes prebiotic-rich foods daily, they improve their gut health. This is important because good gut health is linked to a stronger immune response, reducing the likelihood of infections or illnesses." She adds that there are plenty of foods containing prebiotics to choose from, including oats, beans, legumes, spinach, berries, apples, or garlic.

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