
Students Honor Their Egyptian Teacher in Mahail After 40 Years

Students Honor Their Egyptian Teacher in Mahail After 40 Years

In a story of loyalty spanning over 40 years, students from a school in Mahail expressed their love and respect for their teacher, reinforcing that they remember his kindness and continue to value the Egyptian teacher who educated them. They invited him to be honored in the Mahail Asir province and reconnected with him to express their respect and appreciation.

Ahmed Al-Asimi, one of the teacher’s former students, mentioned that he traveled to Egypt to visit the teacher in Qena, Qeft. He told "Al Arabiya. Net" that he thought about visiting the teacher who had provided him and his classmates with valuable education during a cherished time. He coordinated with the teacher’s son, Mohamed, and traveled to Luxor in Egypt, where his son welcomed him at the airport and took him to Qeft, where the visit took place in the teacher's house, showcasing hospitality and a warm reception for him and his children.

Al-Asimi explained that when he returned to Mahail Asir and shared his journey with his classmates, they all expressed a desire to also host the teacher for a visit to the Kingdom after more than 40 years of loyalty, love, and appreciation for what he had done for everyone during their primary education, guiding them along the right path.

The students of the teacher from the villages of Sahar Al-Asim and Dalij held a consultative meeting and formed committees regarding the visit. Al-Asimi then made the final arrangements and prepared the bookings. They invited teacher Abdel Fattah Waziry and his son Mohamed from Abha Airport by car, filling his heart with happiness. Throughout the drive, he reminisced about the past and noted the changes in the present, praising the development and progress of the country due to the efforts of the wise government under their guidance.

The visit lasted for a month at the hospitality of his former students, who took the teacher, a respected educator, around their villages, starting with a visit to the old school building. The program concluded with all students sponsoring a pilgrimage and visits to holy places before bidding him farewell upon his return to Egypt. Communication with the teacher continues to this day, as they have renewed channels of contact after such an extended period of time.

The Egyptian teacher, originally from Qena in Upper Egypt, stated that he was a teacher at Ibn Hisham School for four years. He noted that he was invited back to Asir by his former students after 40 years for this honor, expressing his deep pride in this recognition. He added, "I came to greet them and to salute them... it was a great invitation, and I thank God for the opportunity to see these wonderful young people." He also expressed his fondness for Mahail Asir because its customs and traditions are similar to those in Upper Egypt, reminiscing that despite the lack of entertainment facilities like electricity and water during his time, the people of the province were generous.

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