
Ja’aj: Voting for “the Current” Means Effectively Voting for “the Party”

Ja’aj: Voting for “the Current” Means Effectively Voting for “the Party”

Lebanese Forces Leader Samir Ja’aj indicated that "Mr. Hassan Nasrallah stated in a discussion with Hezbollah cadres a few days ago that 'our battle in the upcoming parliamentary elections is to ensure the success of our allies.' For Mr. Hassan Nasrallah to openly acknowledge that his battle in the upcoming parliamentary elections is to ensure the success of his allies, specifically referring to the Free Patriotic Movement, is something that should alert every Lebanese citizen. Indeed, in politics, no one gives anything for free. When Hezbollah engages in the electoral battle for the Free Patriotic Movement, it gives us a clear idea of the extent to which the Free Patriotic Movement has gone in serving Hezbollah and its agenda."

He added, in a statement, "Thus, we can objectively say that any Lebanese person voting for the 'Free Patriotic Movement' is effectively voting for Hezbollah. The Free Patriotic Movement has recently attempted some 'moves,' trying to suggest that it does not agree with Hezbollah on everything. This is true; it does not agree with Hezbollah on matters related to the distribution of power within the state, which does not concern the Lebanese citizen. However, it does agree with the party on everything that obstructs the establishment of a state, the functioning of institutions, and the return of stability, starting with undermining Lebanon's sovereignty and preventing the exclusivity of arms in the hands of the Lebanese army alone, going through blocking the military and security decision-making exclusive to the state, and limiting the state's foreign policy, reaching the prevention of implementing laws, the loosening of Lebanese borders, and continuously exposing Lebanon to serious risks under the pretext of resistance. Therefore, all these strategic issues and others receive blind and complete acquiescence from the 'Free Patriotic Movement' to Hezbollah's policy."

He continued, "I say this at this very moment so that every Lebanese citizen is clearly and unequivocally aware of the true positions of each team, regardless of what this or that team tries to promote regarding its objectives and aims."

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