
Unrivaled and Untraceable: Russian Hypersonic Weapons

Unrivaled and Untraceable: Russian Hypersonic Weapons

Russia is using part of its new generation of missiles in its attack against Ukraine, which Moscow claims are "unrivaled" or “hypersonic” with unlimited range and undetectable by radar, as revealed by Vladimir Putin four years ago.

**"Avangard" Hypersonic Missile**

Russian hypersonic missiles "Avangard" (meaning "vanguard" in Russian) can change their trajectory and altitude unexpectedly, making them "unrivaled," according to Putin, who compared the scientific and military advances in their development to "sending the first satellite," the famous Sputnik. The first missiles of the new Avangard generation were successfully tested in December 2018, reaching speeds of up to 27 Mach—27 times the speed of sound—and striking a target approximately six thousand kilometers away, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. They entered service in December 2019.

**"Kinzhal," Hypersonic "Dagger"**

The hypersonic ballistic missiles "Kinzhal" (meaning "dagger" in Russian), which the Russian military used for the first time on Friday, allowed for the destruction of an underground weapons storage facility in western Ukraine. Moscow claims that this type of missile, which is highly maneuverable, cannot be detected by any air defense systems. During tests, it successfully hit all its targets at distances of up to one or two thousand kilometers, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. These missiles are equipped on "MiG-31" military aircraft. Experts state that their use in Ukraine set a global precedent for hypersonic weapons.

**"Sarmat" Intercontinental Ballistic Missile**

The heavy intercontinental ballistic missile "Sarmat," a fifth-generation missile, was developed to evade missile defenses. The missile, which weighs over two hundred tons, is more efficient than its predecessor, the Voivoda, which has a range of 11 thousand kilometers, and is "unlimited in range," capable of reaching targets by crossing the Arctic and Antarctic, as stated by Putin.

**"Peresvet" Combat Laser**

The technical characteristics of the combat laser systems of Peresvet (named after a 14th-century Russian warrior monk) are classified. They have been combat-ready since December 2019, according to the Defense Ministry.

**"Poseidon" Giant Autonomous Submarine**

Poseidon, a nuclear-powered autonomous submarine, can operate at depths exceeding one kilometer and speed of 60 to 70 knots while remaining undetectable by detection systems, as reported by TASS news agency from a source within the Russian military-industrial complex. Tests were conducted in the spring of 2020 to equip the Belgorod submarine, which was launched in 2019 but had its entry into service postponed until the summer of 2022, according to TASS.

**"Burevestnik" Cruise Missile**

Putin also claims it has "unlimited range" and can overcome nearly all interception systems. The Russian military is developing nuclear-powered cruise missiles called Burevestnik (meaning "storm petrel" in Russian). Its technical specifications are classified.

**"Zircon" Stealth Missile**

At the end of December 2021, Vladimir Putin announced the first successful test launch of the hypersonic Zircon missiles. This missile flies at a speed of 9 Mach to reach naval and ground targets. The first official launch of the Zircon missile was in October 2020, with other tests subsequently conducted in the Russian Arctic region, particularly from the frigate Admiral Gorshkov and a submerged submarine.

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