
Secrets of the Newspapers Issued in Beirut This Morning

Secrets of the Newspapers Issued in Beirut This Morning

**Al-Akhbar Newspaper**

**Kataeb-Kataeb Conflict in Zahle**

Following the announcement of the "Lebanese Forces" list in the Bekaa I district under the name "Zahle Sovereignty," signs of conflict emerged between candidates Elias Istfan and MP George Akis, after statistics indicated that the Forces have one seat and could enhance it to fractions if they successfully manage the battle. This pushed Akis and Istfan to compete for securing preferential party votes by advertising themselves as “I am a candidate from Maarab.”

**Shia "Migration" from the List**

The "Lebanese Forces" required the Shia candidate joining their list in Zahle to participate in their political and electoral activities, which the majority rejected as they claimed to be "independent allies of the Forces," except for candidate Dima Bou Daya who began her electoral campaign marketing herself as "the Lebanese Forces candidate for the Shia seat in Zahle."

**Faris Saeed to Surrender?**

Visitors of former MP Faris Saeed reported that he acknowledged the difficulty of "preventing Hezbollah from winning the Shia seat in Jbeil," as the party's alliance with the Free Patriotic Movement provides a secure win benefiting the party, given its ability to garner around 9,000 preferential votes. Saeed had been betting on securing Christian votes for the Shia candidate on the list of resigning MP Neemat Afram, Amir Al-Muqdad, but he did not receive the response he hoped for, as Afram and others were unwilling to compromise on a Christian seat.

**Retirement Age Extension or Vacancy**

Almost every ministry or public institution is experiencing a significant number of employees or workers who have either resigned or taken unpaid leave and left for abroad, especially in senior positions. The Ministry of Energy and Water serves as a model in this regard; following the resignation of the General Director of Electric and Water Resources, Fadi Khamir, it was decided that the current General Director of Investment, Ghassan Nour al-Din, would take the position on an interim basis, although he is approaching the legal retirement age in a few days. By the end of this month, the assignment of engineer Jean Gibran as General Director of the Bekaa Water Authority will also conclude, in addition to his role as Chairman and General Director of the Beirut and Mount Lebanon Water Authority. This will create three senior vacant positions amid the lack of any prospects for appointments in the Cabinet. It is noteworthy that the amended law proposal presented by MP Bilal Abdullah to amend Article 68 of the decree law 112 (Civil Service System) to extend the retirement age or dismissal from service for any employee or worker from the first, second, and third categories to the age of 68 could have been a temporary solution, but it did not pass due to a quorum issue in the session.

**An-Nahar Newspaper**

A close associate of a presidential authority stated that in a few days, the electoral entitlement will be resolved either through postponement to September for a number of technical considerations and others, or it will proceed as scheduled.

Some parties have dispatched their representatives, including MPs and leaders, to expatriate countries for mobilization and support, after their representatives in several countries arranged meetings with their supporters and affiliates.

A decree was issued abolishing the tourism office in Paris affiliated with the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism.

The Ministry of Interior canceled polling centers for Lebanese residing in Ukraine due to the ongoing war under decree number 8954.

**Nidaa Al-Watan Newspaper**

It was rumored that an agreement had been reached to raise the retirement age to 68, which would postpone many obligations regarding public finances. The decision is not excluded from being presented in the government soon.

Minister Nada Bustani expressed "regret for the absence of most invitees from the electricity debate, despite our keenness that it be live and broadcasted on media..." which was perceived as an evasion from the confrontation that General Director of Tenders Dr. Jean Alia had confirmed participation in.

Following former MP Selim Karam's withdrawal of his candidacy, observers interpreted this as a realization of his difficulty in winning and inquired about the direction of the votes supporting him in the Zgharta district and which candidate could replace him on the Marada list.

**Al-Liwaa Newspaper**

The relationship between two authorities is marked by coolness, which has almost toppled the government more than once, were it not for the guarantees securing the formation process since last September!

An oil expert revealed that companies and stations are exchanging roles, not only to raise fuel prices but to reap enormous profits in the "dead time."

Conflicts remain between two parties, despite their electoral understandings, hindering an agreement on a unified direction to save a national educational institution from the dangers it faces.

**Al-Binaa Newspaper**

**Behind the Scenes**

Russian sources stated that the shift in Ukraine's negotiating position is due to the European impasse over the gas file and payment in rubles, which translated into pressures on the Ukrainians to reach a political solution justifying the lifting of sanctions and returning to the previous situation, while earlier pressures were contrary to preventing the solution under the illusion of the sanctions' impact.


Informed sources confirmed that the campaign that preceded and accompanied President Michel Aoun's visit to the Vatican was funded by a party entity, and that a well-known outlet funded by an Arab state commissioned a journalist claiming to have a long acquaintance with President Aoun and closeness to Bkirki, openly expressing hostility to the Shia duo to undermine the President with sharp words.

**Al-Anbaa Newspaper**


Disputes among political forces within a specific team are still hindering the announcement of their electoral lists.


Dispersal is a characteristic of newly entered political forces that lose chances that could strengthen them if they were unified.

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