
British Newspaper Reveals Secrets of Hunter Biden's "Hell Computer"

British Newspaper Reveals Secrets of Hunter Biden's

The British Daily Mail has confirmed that approximately 450 gigabytes of data on Hunter Biden's "notorious" laptop have been deleted, including 80,000 photos and videos. The newspaper reported that the person who distributed copies of the hard drive to several parties, named Jack Maxey, has managed to escape to Switzerland out of fear of retaliation from the Biden administration. Maxey provided copies and materials from the hard drive to both the Washington Post and the New York Times, in addition to Senator Chuck Grassley as a prominent Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

According to the newspaper, during the past two weeks, Maxey has been hiding in Zurich, where he has worked with IT experts to extract more data from the "laptop." The Daily Mail quoted Maxey stating that he and his colleagues found "450 gigabytes of deleted materials," including 80,000 photos and videos and over 120,000 archived emails, indicating his intention to publish this data online in the coming weeks.

The laptop belonging to Hunter Biden contains compelling evidence of clear criminal activity by the president's son and his associates, including drug trafficking and prostitution. Maxey mentioned that after he contacted the Daily Mail regarding the laptop last year, black SUVs belonging to law enforcement appeared outside his home, and his friends, who are former U.S. intelligence officers, shared that they also received "unusual" calls after he provided them with copies of the hard drive.

Maxey explained that one reason for choosing Switzerland as a hideout is that the only file-sharing site that has not removed files from the laptop is Swiss Transfer, a politically neutral file-sharing service based in Switzerland. According to the New York Times, files from the laptop are now part of the evidence in Hunter Biden's trial over alleged tax fraud and money laundering and illegally forming foreign lobbying groups.

Among the files on the laptop is a collection of emails and documents that show Hunter's dealings with Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company that became central to the impeachment of former President Donald Trump in December 2019. Trump was accused at that time of urging Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce investigations into Biden and Burisma for corruption allegations.

Maxey claims that the FBI had emails as evidence showing details of Hunter's work for Burisma, suggesting that Trump would have been exonerated immediately had this evidence come to light, but he was betrayed. He added, "The second group of people who were betrayed were all Democratic candidates in the primaries that year." He continued, "The American people have been completely betrayed, as I guarantee you that Joe Biden would not be able to run for dog catcher if the American public knew about this laptop."

In emails from the hard drive, Hunter and his business partners clearly reference Joe's involvement in a multimillion-dollar deal with the Chinese oil giant CEFC, which is connected to the government. In October 2020, Maxey published a collection of emails and other files from the laptop on file-sharing sites, but about an hour later, the links were removed.

One email from Hunter's associate James Gilliar indicates that 10% of the shares in the deal would go to "the big guy" — a phrase consistently used in all Hunter's communications to refer to his father. Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop revealed that Joe Biden and his son Hunter shared bank accounts and paid each other's bills.

Maxey criticized the Senate Judiciary Committee and the prominent Republican member Chuck Grassley for failing to respond to his offer regarding the laptop last year. He stated, "I have not heard a word from the Senate Judiciary Committee not once."

Weeks before the New York Post first published materials from the laptop in October 2020, Grassley participated in co-authoring a report with Senator Ron Johnson that presented banking documents obtained by their committee, proving millions of dollars sent by the Chinese to Hunter and Joe Biden's brother, Jim Biden. Grassley pointed to additional documents showing the flow of funds from the Chinese CEFC company to Hunter and Jim.

Maxey also provided a copy of the hard drive to the Washington Post in June 2021. It took the newspaper nine months to verify the data's authenticity, and they published their first story acknowledging the credibility of the data from the laptop this week. Maxey distributed hundreds of documents from the laptop to the New York Times, which finally admitted they were real in an article published two weeks ago.

In previous months, both newspapers prominently reported allegations that the laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign. The man claimed that even Fox News, which extensively covered stories emerging from the laptop, refused to take a full copy of the hard drive from him and only received batches of specific documents instead.

Excerpts from one published email show how Hunter Biden was set to receive $850,000 as part of arrangements with a Chinese company. In 2020, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki referred to Hunter's laptop as Russian disinformation. More than 50 former senior intelligence officials wrote an open letter casting doubt on the laptop's source in October 2020, claiming it "had all the classic hallmarks of a Russian information operation."

Maxey believes that the "cover-up" of Hunter Biden's laptop presents a bipartisan problem and expressed his desire to see a completely new Congress investigate this in open hearings. He added, "We have elections coming up in the fall. My prayer is that every member of the U.S. House and Senate running for office this year — Republicans and Democrats — is replaced. We need to take our country back."

Hunter Biden remains under investigation by the Justice Department for his failure to pay taxes, and any acknowledgment of wrongdoing is likely to be embarrassing for Biden, who oversees the Justice Department, with no indications that the investigation will expand to include Biden himself.

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