
Saudi Ambassador: We Hope for Good Things for Lebanon

Saudi Ambassador: We Hope for Good Things for Lebanon

The newspaper "Asharq Al-Awsat" reported that the Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon, Walid Bukhari, visited yesterday (Monday) the leaders of the Lebanese sects, beginning with the Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian, then the Deputy Head of the Higher Islamic Shiite Council, Sheikh Ali Khalil, followed by Druze spiritual leader Sami Abi Al-Muna, and finally the Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Rahi.

Ambassador Bukhari arrived in Beirut last Friday, the day after the Saudi Foreign Ministry announced in a statement that it had decided to return him "in response to the calls and appeals from the moderate national political forces in Lebanon, and to affirm what the Lebanese Prime Minister (Najib) mentioned regarding the Lebanese government's commitment to taking the necessary measures required to enhance cooperation with the Kingdom and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and to stop all political, military, and security activities that impact the Kingdom and GCC countries." The statement added: "The Kingdom emphasizes the importance of Lebanon's return to its Arab depth, represented by its national institutions and apparatus, and that Lebanon enjoys security and peace, and its people attain stability and safety in their homeland."

Bukhari began his tour yesterday by visiting Derian at the Dar Al-Fatwa, bringing with him a gift from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the occasion of Ramadan: 30,000 copies of the Quran to be distributed to mosques and Quran preservation centers in Lebanon, as well as to any interested Lebanese, according to the National News Agency (official).

Bukhari discussed the situation in Lebanon and the region with Derian, who expressed satisfaction and that the Lebanese were pleased with "the return of Gulf diplomacy to Lebanon, especially the ambassadors of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Kuwait" (Abdul Aal Al-Qunaee). He confirmed that "this return heralds good things to come for Lebanon despite all the circumstances it is going through, and a promising future for the Lebanese living in extremely difficult crises." He emphasized "the importance of preserving and nurturing the special relationship with the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, foremost among them Saudi Arabia."

In response, Ambassador Bukhari expressed "greetings of love and cooperation," stating: "We hope for good things for Lebanon and the Lebanese." Bukhari announced the launch of the annual Quran Award titled "Iqra" that the Saudi embassy in Lebanon holds during the month of Ramadan every year under Derian's sponsorship, with financial prizes for the winners to be distributed in a ceremony held at the end of the month at Dar Al-Fatwa.

Afterward, Bukhari moved to the headquarters of the Higher Islamic Shiite Council, where he met with Sheikh Ali Khalil and discussed the current developments on both local and regional levels. Khalil wished that "Ambassador Bukhari's return with his brothers to Lebanon would mark the beginning of a new path in solidifying brotherly relations between the two sister countries," according to the National News Agency.

Next, Bukhari visited the Druse Spiritual Authority, where he met with Abi Al-Muna, and they discussed the political developments in Lebanon and the region. Abi Al-Muna hoped that "officials in Lebanon would seek to achieve a lasting understanding on everything that serves the interests of the two sister countries, considering what unites our two countries in culture, civilization, and historical heritage has made our Arab identity a steadfast choice, past and present, and no other considerations will change that identity in the future. We, like all peoples seeking lasting peace and general stability, reject all forms of conflict and the language of war and violence to preserve our shared heritage in the Arab and Islamic worlds," according to a statement from the Druze Spiritual Authority.

Bukhari concluded his tour of the community leaders with a visit to Patriarch Al-Rahi in Bkerke, where the general conditions were discussed. This was an opportunity for Al-Rahi to affirm that "the return of Gulf ambassadors to Lebanon reflects a national Lebanese relief and reaffirms the support of Arab brothers for Lebanon, something that is needed now more than ever."

In the evening, Bukhari received Prime Minister Najib Mikati at his residence in Yarzeh, who expressed his happiness at Bukhari's return to Lebanon "after this enforced absence." He praised the Kingdom's commitment, under the leadership of the King and the Crown Prince, to support Lebanon and to always stand by its side. They did not dwell on the past issues but rather discussed the historical and future relationship between the Kingdom and Lebanon. He spoke about the French-Saudi partnership regarding the support of six sectors in Lebanon, noting that his return during this holy month symbolizes further solidarity with the Lebanese people. This is the essence of Ramadan, a month of mercy and solidarity, and an occasion to strengthen the ties of love that bind Lebanon with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a cooperation confirmed by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Crown Prince. The Ambassador assured me of their great concern for Lebanon and its unity, their assistance, and their consideration of Lebanon's needs. We hope, God willing, that this marks a new page towards enhancing and developing relations between the two countries."

Mikati added, "I have never felt that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has closed its doors to me or any Lebanese person. We know very well that the Lebanese in the Kingdom are surrounded by care and attention from the leadership. I, God willing, will soon visit the Kingdom, and if you want to know the date, it will be during the month of Ramadan."

Regarding the guarantees that Lebanon provided to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, he stated, "We are talking about relations between two countries, and the statement I issued regarding Lebanon's commitment to relations and Lebanese constants regarding the best relations with Saudi Arabia and the GCC is fundamental as a state, and the relationship between the two countries will, God willing, be built on these foundations. I am keen on these relations and strengthening them even more." He concluded, "I affirmed in my statement the constants, and we are committed to everything that protects Lebanon's sovereignty, while ensuring that Lebanon is not a platform or a source of annoyance for any GCC country, and this is fundamental."

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