
Al-Bukhari: The Kingdom is Committed to Lebanon's Stability

Al-Bukhari: The Kingdom is Committed to Lebanon's Stability

The President of the Union of Lebanese Gulf Businessmen, Samir Khairi, hosted a dinner last night at his home in Mazbouda in honor of the ambassadors of Gulf countries on the occasion of their return to Lebanon. The event was attended by: Saudi Arabian Ambassador Walid Al-Bukhari, Qatari Ambassador Ibrahim bin Abdul Aziz Al-Sahlawi, Moroccan Ambassador Mohammed Akhrine, Yemeni Ambassador Abdullah Abdul Karim Al-Daeis, Algerian Ambassador Abd Karim Rakabi, Iraqi Ambassador Haidar Al-Barak, Tunisian Ambassador Imam, Jordanian Ambassador Walid Al-Hadid, former Minister and President of the Economic Bodies Mohammad Shuqair, MP Michel Daher, Director General of Internal Security Forces Major General Imad Othman, Director General of General Security Major General Abbas Ibrahim, Director General of State Security Major General Antoine Saliba, Army Intelligence Chief Colonel Toni Qahwaji, former MP Ni'mah Afram, President of the Economic and Social Council Charles Arabid, and several members of economic bodies and the Union of Lebanese Gulf Businessmen.

In his speech, Khairi expressed his happiness and honor in welcoming everyone to their home at this gathering, held in honor of the ambassadors of brotherly Gulf countries. He added, “This return is dear to our hearts, for you are the family of the house, and without you, the house loses its luster and joy.” He continued, “What matters today is that you are here, and this is what we want with all our hearts and minds because your presence in Lebanon restores matters to their rightful place and nature. Lebanon is Arab in identity and spirit, and without Arab countries, it loses its balance and a significant part of its role and identity.”

Khairi emphasized that "amid what we are experiencing, we know very well that rescuing Lebanon from its crises, especially the economic ones, will not happen without the help of Arab countries and all brotherly Gulf countries under the auspices of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has supported Lebanon since its establishment in both good and bad times." He stressed the need to build on what has been achieved with the return of the Gulf ambassadors to Lebanon, progressing on the path of humanitarian, brotherly, social, and economic relations among us.

He regarded the initiative to establish the Saudi-French joint fund to support the needs of the Lebanese people in these difficult and exceptional circumstances as "the beginning of the rain," praising this pioneering effort, which, alongside what various friendly and brotherly countries are doing, expresses the Arab and international support for Lebanon.

He concluded his speech by thanking the brotherly Gulf countries for all they have done and continue to do for Lebanon and its people, as well as thanking the Arab and friendly countries for their support and solidarity with our country, and the United Nations team and international supporting institutions.

Al-Bukhari delivered a brief speech thanking Khairi for "this gathering of brothers and friends from the economic and business sectors and security leaders," reaffirming the Kingdom's commitment to Lebanon's stability and its return to the path of recovery and progress. Al-Bukhari hoped for the completion of the upcoming national elections next Sunday in response to the aspirations of the Lebanese people.

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