
Bkirki Uprisings: Calls for Aikiki's Dismissal and Accountability for All Responsible for the Assault

Bkirki Uprisings: Calls for Aikiki's Dismissal and Accountability for All Responsible for the Assault

It is true that the meeting of the Permanent Synod of the Maronite Church at the Bkerke Patriarchate to address the issue of the assault on Bishop Musa al-Hajj was delayed until yesterday evening, having been scheduled for earlier in the day. However, this followed a widespread show of solidarity from Christian and Islamic sovereign forces and condemnations from figures denouncing the incident, which emphasized the importance of the event, clarified matters without ambiguity, supported Bishop al-Hajj, and condemned what he had faced. The statement also pointed to "those behind it from the depths of their positions” and called for restoring the dignity of the bishop and the dismissal of the government representative at the military court, Fadi Aikiki, "as this is not the first time he has committed acts outside of norms." It rejected, condemned, and denounced "what was perpetrated with prior planning and design at a significant and suspicious time, for malicious purposes." The Maronite Patriarchate affirmed its position, expressing astonishment at the state’s silence, which has failed to provide basic sustenance for its citizens.

The statement from the bishops yesterday represents a new uprising from the Maronite Patriarchate to confirm its ongoing struggle for the restoration of Lebanese sovereignty, rejecting any attempt to return to the era of occupation and countering those who tried to overturn it. This is particularly evident in light of President Michel Aoun's silence since the arrest of the bishop and the closing of the Baabda Palace's doors to inquiries, leading to widespread solidarity with the Maronite Patriarchate and calls to raise demands amid comparisons to the ruling authorities’ hesitance in arresting those involved in assassinations, smuggling, and killings, while they attempt to assert power over a bishop and belittle Bkerki and its leadership.

The statement from the bishops yesterday served as a powerful cry against the authorities in all their forms and alliances, which work to change the identity of Lebanon, a nation built on the foundations of freedom. They never imagined, as mentioned in the statement, that they would reach a time when a bishop could be assaulted without justification and against all norms, without any consideration for his position, role, and mission, without reference to his ecclesiastical authority which has played and still plays a leading role in the establishment and continuity of this republic. They envisioned it as a democratic state that respects freedoms and values particularities, governed by officials committed to the constitution who protect legitimacy, ensure justice, rise above partisan interests, and embrace the people without discrimination.

The unfortunate and scandalous incident involving Bishop Musa al-Hajj, as reported, took place when elements from the border security center, by the decision of the government representative at the military court, Judge Fadi Aikiki, obstructed Bishop al-Hajj, who was returning from his archdiocese in the Holy Land, and detained him for more than twelve hours, with no regard for his spiritual status. They interrogated him unjustifiably at a security center, confiscated his Lebanese passport, phone, documents, and medical and financial aid intended for those in need and sick people in Lebanon from various sects and benefactors, since their government has failed in recent years to manage the country to secure its citizens' basic needs. Now that all this has happened, it is necessary to confront this misconduct and correct it by holding accountable every responsible official, regardless of their position, and even calling for their dismissal.

What happened to our brother Bishop Musa al-Hajj has taken us back to the times of occupation and governors from previous centuries when invaders and occupiers attempted to undermine the role of the Maronite Church in Lebanon and the East, a church that has instilled the spirit of freedom and resilience in these regions, along with the principle of defending human rights and freedom of beliefs and coexistence among religions. Those who orchestrated the assault on Bishop al-Hajj, plotting, commanding, and executing this condemned act, fail to realize that their actions will not impact the patriarchate, which has stood firm against kingdoms, sultanates, and states, while they disappeared and the patriarchate remained in service to humanity, Lebanon, the East, and interfaith coexistence, by the grace of God and the loyalty of its people.

Bishop Musa al-Hajj, like all his predecessors at the head of the archdiocese, is committed to the guidance of the Maronite Patriarchate and the mission of the Vatican, always striving to fulfill his role with courage, wisdom, and a humanitarian spirit in service of truth, the impoverished, and the sick, especially in times of distress and calamities as we are experiencing today in Lebanon.

Bishop al-Hajj is a man of flesh and blood, not stone like those who disregard the plight of the people. If he had distanced himself from fulfilling this role, he would have been rightly criticized, not for alleviating the suffering of the Lebanese. In this context, the Permanent Synod is not in a position to justify his actions but rather affirms the legitimacy of what he is doing and supports him in his pastoral mission.

We reject, condemn, and denounce in the strongest terms what has been perpetrated with prior design and intent, at a significant and suspicious time, for known malicious purposes, against our brother Bishop Musa al-Hajj. We demand an end to this security-judicial-political farce, the return of all aid that was confiscated to the bishop so that the trusts can reach their awaiting recipients, and the immediate closure of this case.

We are astonished at the government's silence regarding the assault against His Excellency and call upon the Minister of Justice to take the necessary disciplinary actions against anyone found responsible for this deliberate offense.

Furthermore, we remind that this is not the first time that the government representative at the military court has acted outside custom and usual practice. Therefore, we also demand that the Public Prosecutor refer Judge Aikiki to the judicial inspection and dismiss him. We renew our call for the independence of the judiciary from political authority.

Finally, we reaffirm the constants and national positions of the Maronite Patriarchate, which will not be swayed by any pressures, and we demand that the Lebanese state, with all its officials, uphold the dignity and rights of every Lebanese and lift injustice from them, whether residing in Lebanon or abroad or forcibly exiled.

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