Arab World

Arab Reactions to the Passing of Queen Elizabeth II

Arab Reactions to the Passing of Queen Elizabeth II

Arab leaders and officials expressed their condolences to the new king, the royal family, and the British people following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, praising her historical stature and role in strengthening bilateral relations.


King Abdullah II of Jordan stated that Queen Elizabeth II was "a dear friend to the family and a beacon of wisdom and principled leadership for seven decades," adding that she was "a partner to Jordan and a cherished friend of the family." Jordan's Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh expressed his sorrow over the queen's passing and announced a three-day mourning period in the country.

**Saudi Arabia**

King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman extended their condolences to King Charles III over Queen Elizabeth's death. King Salman remarked, "Her Majesty was a model of leadership that history will remember. As we appreciate the late monarch's efforts in solidifying friendship and cooperation between our two friendly countries, we also recall the high international stature she held throughout her reign." Crown Prince Mohammed described Queen Elizabeth as having "devoted her life to serving her nation" and called her "a role model of wisdom, love, and peace," highlighting the significant impact of her contributions over her long reign.

**United Arab Emirates**

UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan mentioned on Twitter that "Queen Elizabeth II shared a long friendship and close ties with the UAE... The great late queen was a symbol of wisdom and tolerance and was respected and appreciated worldwide." Vice President Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum expressed, "We join the world in mourning the passing of Queen Elizabeth, a global icon representing the highest qualities of her nation and people. Her extraordinary life of service and duty to the United Kingdom is unparalleled in our modern world."


King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain noted that the late queen had "maintained a long friendship and close ties with the Kingdom of Bahrain," recalling her role in enhancing relationships and partnership between the UK and Bahrain. He also expressed that the world lost a significant symbol of humanity, wisdom, and tolerance with her passing, and ordered flags in Bahrain to be flown at half-mast for three days.


Kuwait’s news agency reported that the Emir, Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, sent a condolence message to King Charles III, recalling "with pride the queen's distinguished career over the past decades." The Kuwaiti Cabinet issued a directive to all ministries and state institutions to lower flags for three days starting September 9 in mourning for the late queen.


The Emir of Qatar tweeted that "the world has lost a great humanitarian symbol with her passing, as she was a source of inspiration and nobility throughout her reign." He added that she had "established strong and constructive relations with Qatar, enhancing the ties of friendship and partnership between our peoples."


Sultan Haitham bin Tariq of Oman ordered flags to be lowered in the public and private sectors and at the country's embassies abroad on Friday, September 9, 2022, in mourning for Queen Elizabeth II, who was described by the royal court as "a friend to the Sultanate of Oman." The statement added that "Queen Elizabeth was known for her pioneering wisdom and contribution to spreading love and peace worldwide throughout her remarkable seventy-year reign, and Oman loses a prominent figure."


Moroccan King Mohammed VI, in a condolence message to King Charles III, stated: "In this difficult time, I hold in great esteem the virtues of the late great queen, who remained a symbol of the greatness of the United Kingdom, dedicating her life to serving her country, where the UK advanced in her prosperous reign." The king expressed that "the Kingdom of Morocco has lost a great and distinguished friend who held it in high regard, especially since the late queen was keen to strengthen the historical bonds between our two ancient kingdoms."


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi stressed that Queen Elizabeth II "led her country for many long decades with profound wisdom." He added, in a post on Facebook, "My condolences to the British nation on this grievous loss, and I have full confidence in King Charles's ability to fill the void left by Queen Elizabeth II."


Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi expressed his "sincere condolences to the British people and the royal family over the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, who has long been respected across the world." He added, "We extend our condolences to King Charles III and affirm the continuation of the partnership between Iraq and the United Kingdom." Iraqi President Barham Salih noted that Queen Elizabeth II "will be remembered as a great symbol in history who served with grace, dignity, and steadfastness."


Lebanese President Michel Aoun, in a condolence message to King Charles III, stated: "We miss a global reference and a model of work, a school that exemplifies respect for human and moral values and national duty, and supporting the unity of Lebanon and the integrity of its territories." In a message to British Prime Minister Liz Truss, Aoun pointed out that "the passing of Queen Elizabeth has left sorrow in the hearts of the Lebanese, who have known her for many years throughout her long reign, as she was always by their side, especially in the painful circumstances Lebanon endured."

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