
Title: Al-Jumail After Meeting Abou Faour: We Will Intensify Our Meetings to Reach a Conclusion

Title: Al-Jumail After Meeting Abou Faour: We Will Intensify Our Meetings to Reach a Conclusion

The head of the Lebanese Forces Party, MP Sami Gemayel, confirmed that there is "effort from everyone regarding the presidential election file." After meeting with Democratic Gathering member MP Wael Abu Faour at the party's headquarters in Sayfiyah, Gemayel noted, "We met with MP Wael Abu Faour as a continuation of the opposition parties' meetings, and this will intensify while we await solutions, especially in light of the issue of the Central Bank governorship, which we refuse to be resolved by the government." He added, "But I do not promise anything."

Gemayel extended his heartfelt condolences to the family of former Minister Saghian Qazi, considering him "a significant national and intellectual figure in Lebanon, and the nation and Lebanese journalism will miss him."

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