Russian Ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, stated early Wednesday morning that the new US military aid package to Ukraine, valued at $325 million, drives Washington further into the depths of the conflict. A post on the embassy's Telegram channel quoted Antonov saying, "The United States is more and more rushing into the depths of the Ukrainian crisis." He continued, "It seems that strategists in the United States, somehow, do not understand that no amount of weapons, regardless of the involvement of mercenaries, will change the course of the Russian special military operation." This package, which includes ammunition for air defense systems and equipment and vehicles, comes at a time when Ukraine is working to support its long-anticipated counteroffensive. Last week, Ukrainian forces lost some tanks and armored vehicles provided by Western allies while achieving limited initial gains on the ground. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion in February 2022, the United States, European Union, and other allies have sent billions of dollars in military aid to Kyiv.